
Showing posts from 2010

A little sickness in the house

Am I sick.... NO! Is Todd sick....NO! Is our cute little 16 month old sick.....YES! Would it be easier if I were sick or Todd were sick....YES! After the blueberry incident, he feel asleep and slept soundly until 7:20. He got up and seemed fine, until I put breakfast in front of him. If you know Wyatt, you would know that he likes to EAT! The kids loves his food. So when he had gone a day and half with very little to eat, I knew something was wrong. I think that a nice hot bath cures EVERYTHING and when you add bubbles, it's extra special. So we left our breakfast and went straight for a bath. My good thing Valery came over around 9:30 to watch him so I could go to my massage. ***side note*** I feel like a bad mother writing this but I told Valery what was going on before she came over and thought of canceling it, but at the time he seemed like he was on the rebound and she didn't mind coming over to play with him for an hour or two. That being said, I left him in the caring h...


At 7:15 my status on facebook said, "I have a feeling this might be a long night... Think I should go to bed!" At 7:40, he was crying out and I thought, "Here we go!" At 8:25 he started crying and sat straight up, so at this point I went to see what was the matter. Even though there was very little light in his room, the chunks of blueberries and stuff that covered his face couldn't be missed. I turned the light up and rushed right over to my sweet boy who had throw up all over his face and head, all over the sheets and his sweet little lambie! I picked him up, gave him a bath and was thankful to have daddy there to help me change the sheets and hold him while I threw lambie in the washer. While Todd was holding him, he decided he needed to throw up a little more. After this, he seemed to feel much better and was smiling and talking to daddy! So, I have NO idea what is wrong with my little man. Last week it was an ear infection, so he has been on medicine for 8 ...

more pics


Christmas pics


Merry Christmas

It's the most wonderful time of the year. I truly believe that! I also believe that when you have children it adds a whole new dimension to it. It was so much fun seeing his face this morning when he walked in the living room and saw what Santa had left him. He walked in and said, "WOW" then ran right over to his new kitchen and looked so excited to start playing with it. It has been so much fun watching him open his gifts from family and friends and seeing how much he loves seeing what is in each box. He was so sweet tearing off the paper and saying, "Wow" each time he noticed something he really liked. I think this was a CUTE age for Christmas but I think next year is going to be really fun! Today was a great day. I feel truly blessed that we were able to be surrounded by our family and friends. I have spend today really thinking about how blessed we are to have such special people in our lives. We would not have made it through this last year, had it not been...

Cleaning Day

Before I get to cleaning my house (It really needs its), I wanted to enjoy my bowl of cereal and update the blog. Today Wyatt is trying something new. We found a great lady online that keeps children at her home along with her two young children. At first I was unsure about this but after meeting with her, seeing her home and seeing how happy her kids were, I thought that it was worth a try. She is an educator and believes in not just letting them play but helping them learn new things. I was very impressed when her 3 year old son could recognize the word 'because' and the word 'cat' and he showed us how to write the letter 'A'. So today I dropped off my sweet boy and I didn't even cry! I was a little nervous driving there but she made me feel very at ease. He didn't even cry when I left (of course I let his sweet lambie go with him). We will see how this works out. For now I am enjoying my breakfast in silence and I am about to get my butt up and clean ...

Funny Moment- He LOVES lamb!

So continuing with Wyatt's funny moments (more for me to remember them and to give you a little laugh).... Wyatt has fallen in love with his stuffed lamb that we call lambie. Its a cute little jelly cat stuffed animal that used to be very fluffy and soft. He started off with a blanket that I would rub on his cheek as I was rocking him, then lay it by his side while he sleeps. Then he moved on to cuddling a sweet little pig made my jelly cat also (these are my favorite)! After the cute little pig, lambie was introduced and this one is by far his favorite. When I sent him to his first day of Mother's day out they told me to send a lovie with him. I was hoping that he would only need this for the first couple of times but silly me continued to send it. Back in August Todd tried to introduce the very same animal but he just threw it on the floor and wanted nothing to do with it. Then we gave him his lambie and he rubbed it on his face and fell asleep. A couple weeks ago I asked Mot...

What has Wyatt been up to?

What hasn't he been up to? I feel like everyday Wyatt changes and is learning new things. Here a just a few..... -Words we know: sprout (the channel where we find the Wiggles), back, papa, nana, santa, church, Donna (teacher at MDO), ball, bath, bye (sounds very southern!), mama, dada, barn, hay, car, tractor, ATTEMPTS: Austin, Spencer, Lindsay, JenJen. -Loves to: wave bye, dance, blow kisses take baths, pull out my pitchers every morning, go through daddy's bathroom cabinet, play with his cars, flip through his books, push his trucks around, try to walk down and up the stairs, try to use a fork and spoon and attempt to color. Every day seems like a new adventure! I look at him every morning and he looks like a different child, he is growing up way to fast! What's been going on: had our first battle with pink eye. YUCK! MDO called me last Friday and said his eye was red, I went to pick him up, took him to the doctor and he had pink eye. By Sunday he was better! While I w...

22 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights: How Far Along : 22 weeks Size of baby: McKinley is as long as a package of Oreos and as heavy as a large bag of tortilla chips! Total Weight Gain/Loss : haven't a clue! I'll look in the morning Maternity Clothes : living in my jeggings and maternity shirts. I hate maternity jeans! Gender : It’s a GIRL Movement: feeling her all the time. All through the day and alot when I lay down Sleep: sleeping great! Wishing little man would sleep in a little What I miss: sleeping on my stomach and back. Cravings: carbs and candy Symptoms : feeling great Best Moment this week : buying her fabric to have her bedding made!!!

$56 a week!

Last time gas prices went crazy, (in the fall of 2007) I traded in my Lexus suv for a cute little gas saving prius!! It was perfect for me and our two dogs, it even worked well for one baby but with another on the way, we needed to find a bigger car. After weeks of test drives and price haggling, we found the one! I can honestly say it was LOVE at first sight. It was HUGE with tons of extra stuff. The week before Thanksgiving we drove to Statesboro and picked up our 2011 pearl colored, Platinum edition, Toyota Sequoia. Let me just say I LOVE IT!!! Here are a couple of my favorite things about it.... -Heated and cooled seats! -sun shades that you can put up in the second and third row -DVD rear entertainment!!!! -XM radio -navigation -back up camera, back up sensors, side and front sensors to help me back up and park! I needed these! -A reclining third row with the push of a button -Having a big car- don't know why but I just like it coming from a prius So those are some things I lo...

Funny Moment

I think babies can be very funny! However, I feel like toddlers are even funnier. There are so many moments throughout the day that just make me laugh and I want to start sharing them! Maybe they will make you laugh or just smile but it's mainly so I can look back and remember all of these funny little moments. Monday afternoon we were waiting for daddy to get home and passing the time by playing upstairs in the playroom. He grabbed his book Goodnight Moon and I said, "bring it here, I'll read it!" He shock his head no and sat down, almost indian style in front of me. I watched him flip through the book and try to read it. That's not the funny part! ***SIDE NOTE:*** when we went to Montana in September there was a fire place within reach, so every time we saw it we said to him- "Fire hot! NO,NO!" and for some reason he would pat his head. Now every time he eats something hot, I say "it's hot" or he sees fire- he touches his head. Bac...

18 weeks

I'm 18 weeks! Pregnancy Highlights: How Far Along : 18 Weeks Size of baby : McKinley is the size of a sweet potato! Total Weight Gain/Loss : as of last week at the doctor.... lost 2 lbs. Maternity Clothes : Went shopping last Friday!! Currently loving my pea in the pod black and jean color jeggings (I hate that term- so lets call them my jean leggings.) I love these things! Gender: It’s a GIRL Movement : Feeling her move more and more as the days go by! Mostly at night when lay down but also some throughout the day. Random little movements to let me know she is there. Sleep: Still thrown off a little by the time change! Also Wyatt has been waking up on occasion! What I miss : sleeping on my stomach and back. I love both! Cravings : Sweet stuff! I want Sweet Tarts, Sour gummy worms, etc. I have no desire to eat fried chicken, a lot of red meat or really anything fried. I’m just not that hungry. Symptoms : Right now just a little tired and if I don’t eat, I don’t feel well. The sme...

Jean Leggings? YES PLEASE

So because Augusta has ZERO good maternity stores, we flew to Charlotte on Friday to do a little retail therapy for this growing mama! When I was pregnant with Wyatt, I discovered Destination Maternity on Madison Avenue in NYC and then found out how great GAP's maternity line was. Sure I can order stuff online, but I hate having to send it back when it doesn't fit! I love going through the store and seeing everything and trying everything on! That can be a workout though! Trying to pull up jeans with no zipper or buttons! So we went to the Gap first and found some great deals but nothing WONDERFUL! I was still doubting maternity jeans and if I would ever get used to them. Last go round, I wore dresses and skirts! Much better than jeans. So after getting completely worn out we took a lunch break at one of my very favorite places to eat....MAGGIANOS! I love it! We walked around another mall and let Wyatt take a snooze in the stroller then loaded him up again and headed to destina...

Sleeping in my arms

It's been a long time since I've held him while he sleeps! He normally is rocked for a minute, put in crib and goes right to sleep but then again the last time he took a morning nap at home was like a month ago! He was awake at 6:50 this morning, tired by 8:30 but we pushes through to go to his little gym class at Haydens. He had one very dirty diaper before leaving the house and didn't really feel the best. However he enjoyed his class but feel apart on way home. I took him right up to his room and he was falling asleep as I changed him, laid him down and hoped for the best. He was quiet until about 10 minutes later when he just started crying like he'd hurt himself! This was not like him so I went up and changed another BAD diaper! Then I tried to just hold him and he cried. Finally after rocking for a minute he stopped crying and went to sleep. Which is what he is still doing as I type this! I'm rocking and he is sleeping. I don't want this to be a long nap b...

Day Light Savings

I was loving my little monkey sleeping until 7:30/7:45 and then sometimes falling back to sleep until around 8:30. Then we had day light savings! Sunday morning (the first morning) he woke up at 6:15! Are you kidding me! Luckily my body did the same and we also had to get ready for church, we actually left he house on time!!!!! This was a first but hopefully not a last. On the way to my family’s house, he feel asleep- at 10:30 and then only took an hour afternoon nap. Monday morning he was up at 6:00, I changed his diaper and tried to lay him back down. This did not go over well. He stayed in his crib until about 7 but never went to sleep. I then noticed at 8 he was tired, so I tried to lay him down, I rocked him to sleep, laid him in the crib and he got right up! He made it to school and then took a good nap. Monday night, my sweet little baby boy turned in to this child I have never met! By 6 he did not want to eat, all he wanted to do was for me to chase him around the house, which ...

17 weeks

I'm 17 weeks! Pregnancy Highlights: How Far Along: 17 Weeks Size of baby : McKinley is the size of an onion! Total Weight Gain/Loss : Gained 4.5 lbs Maternity Clothes : I need to go shopping!!! Currently loving my gap maternity skinny jeans and black leggings! Gender : It’s a GIRL Movement : Felt her move for the first time on Friday, November 5th. I had to lay very still in order to feel the small movement. Sleep: Time change has me very tired at night but ready to get up around 6:45. Tossing and turning a little to get comfortable. What I miss : sleeping on my stomach and back. I love both! Cravings : Sweet stuff! I want Sweet Tarts, Sour gummy worms, etc. I have no desire to eat fried chicken, a lot of red meat or really anything fried. I’m just not that hungry. Symptoms : Right now just a little tired and if I don’t eat, I don’t feel well. The smell of some fried foods makes me sick. Best Moment this week: feeling her move for the first time.


Halloween is not my favorite holiday, but having kids gives a new meaning to it and makes it ALOT more fun! Last year it was just about carving pumpkins with the family and taking pictures of our little lobster but this year it was about trick or treating and getting together with friends!! I love our family tradition of pumpkin carving at the lake which also includes hearing ghost stories told by kids under the age of 6 and eating good food! So I always look forward to that:)! This year we started a new tradition, well a couple of them. 1. trick or treating with Wyatt's little buddies (and mine!!) so much fun! A cow, a sock monkey and a skeleton are very cute walking up to houses to get their mommies lots of candy! It is also always fun to have some good old adult conversation with some great couples! 2. NO more costumes with big bulky head pieces! Wyatt had this cute little lion costume, we got two pictures and then he didn't want to put it on again! He hated it! So at the la...

Boy or Girl

Since the day we found out that we were pregnant, I wanted to find out what we were having! So, at 10 weeks we did the gender test that you can buy at Walgreens, it said BOY! I took another one at 12 weeks, it said BOY! So needless to say I thought it was boy! Even though I have felt A LOT different this time around, alot sicker, and craving crazy things, I thought it was a BOY! Monday I went to the store with my mom and had to buy some sour gummy worms and peez! She said, "Your having a girl!" All that being said, we went today to Prenatal Imaging to do their early gender sonogram. Let me just say it was worth the $100! It was the greatest place! We went into a large dark room with our family, a nice place for me to lay, chairs for everyone and a HUGE SCREEN for the family to watch and a little one next to me. It was great! The lady was also very nice! I just laid there and waited for her to say, It's a BOY! (I would have been GREAT with that!) HOWEVER, what came out of ...

Saying Goodbye

For the few people out there that read this blog, don't worry! I am not saying goodbye to blogging. Sadly though I am saying goodbye to a dear friend of mine! I am saying goodbye to Faris and her sweet family! I have known Faris for two years but it wasn't until this past February when I really got to know and become close friends with her. We had bonded a little before that with the birth of Wyatt and then the birth of her second being very close together, but it wasn't until she invited me to her "lunch bunch" on Fridays that we became really close. The Friday lunch group saved me! Really, Todd was in Atlanta at the time and I was trying hard to find other mommies to connect with. Her reaching out to me and including me opened the door to many new friendships! Over the summer I had to say goodbye to another friend I made in the group, but I have high hopes that her and her family will one day return to Augusta. Followed by another friend, but she's only an...

Sometimes, ya just gotta rock em!

My sweet little monkey normally takes great naps in the afternoon! GREAT ones! Normally he goes down VERY EASY. Today I made the mistake of giving him late morning nap so that I could get ready in peace. He is still at the age where he can take two naps, but I have to spread them out and I can't rely on the morning one cause they don't always happen. With all that being said, he took about an hour morning nap, then we went to the pizza joint and enjoyed lunch outside, then grabbed a cookie from the sunshine bakery, then walked around this little park and then headed home. I was thinking that by this time (2:00) his normal nap time, he would be worn out. He played, pooped, got changed, played some more, and after an hour.....I ROCKED THAT SWEET LITTLE BOY!!! Rocked for about 10 minutes, laid him down and he was out! These days the only time he wants to be held and rocked, is when he is about to go to bed or go down for a nap. So I soaked up this time. Who cares that I have four ...

What's up with Wyatt?

These days Wyatt has been doing a lot of things...... -Screaming at the TOP of his lungs for no reason and sometimes for a reason but we don't know what it is! - Waking up in the middle of the night crying! Keep in mind that this kid has been sleeping through the night since he was 3 months old! - Refusing to eat certain foods that he once LOVED - Enjoys throwing the foods he once loved over the side of his chair or throwing the gold fish all over my car instead of eating them, and then he laughs! - WALKING! He is walking everywhere. This is a new development one that just started last week. (Yes, I'm a week late in telling the world that my child can walk) - No longer enjoying his car rides - Can say the following, not on command though; dog, mama, dada, church, DUCK. The last one is his favorite and this he will do on command. I also swear I have heard; snack, cheese, cookie -gives hugs more often I like the last two things on that list but we really gotta work on the others....

These Days

These days I haven't been doing much, we haven't been doing much! I had forgotten how much work it is growing a baby! Well maybe I didn't forget, it wasn't like this last time!!! I remember being tired with Wyatt and not really wanting to eat anything because nothing tasted good to me. This time I am tired, mixed with a constant feeling of nausea, upset stomach, zero desire to eat, and if I do eat- it always wants to try to come back up!! So my house is a complete mess because I DON'T feel like doing anything and I have three papers that I need to finish in about a month and a half! Oh, and lets not forget that there is still a little 13 month old that needs lots of attention! Thank goodness for mother's day out, long afternoon naps, grandparents and daddy coming home at 6!

Need I say more....


Bad mommy....

So my sweet little monkey is SICK!!! Let me back up and start with the oh so lovely event that happened last night at dinner! The little man sat in his chair at the French Market West just smiling, waving, dancing and shoving food into his mouth (lima beans, turkey, bread, puffs, and drinking lots of milk!). So while I was eating my yummy dessert he started to get a little fussy. I picked him up and held him, he started to cough, drool a little so I turned him to face me (WHY!!!). He then preceded to projectile vomit all over me and the floor and I'm very surprised he did not reach the booth beside us! It was gross!!!!! It was also the first time he has ever done anything like that! He seemed much better, smiling and wanting to walk outside with daddy. The next morning he slept until 9 am!!!! Perhaps this should have been my first clue? He seemed happy, no fever, just a little runny nose but that was nothing new. So we went to our play group! This is why I am calling my self a bad ...

Our trip to Montana

2 hour drive to Atlanta, unload into a hotel, quick nights rest, 2 hours to Minneloplis st. paul, an hour to make it off the plane and to the next gate, 2.5 hours to Kalispell Montana, 45 minute drive to the park on a paved road, and 30 minutes on a BUMPY dirt road to the cabin. WHAT A LONG DAY! Oh and lets add the time change in there to throw us off. Little did I know that the comforts of home didn’t await us….. 1. You’re an hour from a decent grocery store or hospital- let me clarify- there is a small town you pass (20 minutes form cabin)- ONE store/bakery/sandwiches, and internet!- with out door toliets and bathin facitlities, hostels, and a small one room, one small kitchen resturant open from 4-9. We went back in time! 2. No heat or air conditioning in the cabin- a fire place and the fact that heat rises. Our room got hot at night but during the day we needed to stay bundled up around the house. 3. Solar power- a couple of rules went along with this- NEVER leave anything plugged...

Heaven on earth

Montana has had a special place in my heart since I was a little girl. I can still remember the night my dad came into my room and told me they bought a ranch in Bozeman and that we would be spending the summer out there. Our summers were spent exploring 160 acres of the beautiful ranch. Playing in the creek behind the house, riding horses, playing make believe in the barn that wasn't being used for horses, riding bikes up and down the LONG driveway, jumping off the hay stacks,going to rodeos, hiking, picking fresh berries, and some how surviving without CABLE! All we had for entertainment on a rainy day or at night, was one small television with one vhs (Dunstin Checks In). That's all we had one summer and it was the best I can remember! We spent winters and summers out there for along time until the summer before I went to 6th grade, they decided we would move out there for good! It was a long three day journey! School out there was great, there were no cliques, clothes didn’...

Fridays at Noon, ladies night out and play dates

In February I was lucky enough to be invited to a Friday Lunch group. (Faris I am forever grateful to you!) I have gotten to know several of these ladies and I am lucky enough to now call them my friends. Not only did I look forward to Friday at Noon but I begin to look forward to ladies night out and play dates with these ladies and their children. Well I MISS IT! If I haven’t been out of town, I’ve been sick or running errands for a certain little mans First Birthday party! With summer coming to an end we have all taken off to enjoy the last days of summer fun at the beach or other family vacations. Some have even taken the next step in their lives and have moved!:( Now I am about to take off and I miss everyone!!! Adult conversation, play dates that wear out my little one, shared stories of the adventures in motherhood and life in general. I am looking forward to my family vacation, a chance to relax but I am also looking forward to reestablishing Fridays at noon, play date Wednesda...

Little Monkey is 1!!!

My little man is 12 months old! He is ONE!!!! I can't believe that! ONE! Okay, I'll stop saying that and get to the good stuff, what he's up to...... -taking more steps- I think that Walking is in our near future. -roaring like a lion-THIS IS MY FAVORITE! He looks so cute when he does it! -screaming- THIS IS NOT MY FAVORITE! He can scream louder than I can. I'm not kidding! -Gave up bottles and formula- He did this like a pro! Within three days of turning one we were bottle free and onto whole milk. COLD in a straw cup, no heating it or sippy cups!!! -makes car noises- he loves to push his cars around -loves to dance -started back at mothers day out and is doing great -had his first hair cut I can't think of anything else right this second. All I know is that he is growing like a weed! He learns new things everyday and I love watching him learn!

Dr. Seuss birthday pictures


Dr. Seuss party pics!


Dr. Seuss Birthday Party

After months of planning, a week of last minute details, and two days of WORKING REALLY HARD.... The little monkeys BIRTHDAY BASH finally took place! As the guests arrived, they were greeted by a 5 foot tall Cat in the Hat cut out taped by the front door and a Dr. Seuss Birthday book asking for them to write a message for the little sweet pea! They were also offered a button (Dr. Seuss of course) to wear if they wanted to! When they made it to the basement, we had a little photo booth set up with a blue frame, two hats, and a couple of other props that could be used if wanted (this wasn't a big hit, but those who did it, ended up with CUTE pictures!). We had a CUTE cake, great food and the kids had a wonderful time in the pool and on the slide! We had a wonderful day with family and friends celebrating Wyatt turning one! Thanks to everyone who was able to make it!!!!! Of course there were the details.... -each family had their own locker with their name on a Dr. Seuss cat. -a chan...

A piece from my favorite book.....

Long ago you came to me, a miracle of firsts: First smiles and teeth and baby steps, a sunbeam on the burst. But one day you will move away and leave to me your past, And I will be left thinking of a lifetime of your lasts... The last time that I held a bottle to your baby lips. The last time that I lifted you and held you on my hip. The last night when you woke up crying, needing to be walked. When last you crawled up with your blanket, wanting to be rocked. The last time when you ran to me, still small enough to hold. The last time that you said you'd marry me when you grew old. Precious, simple moments and bright flashes from your past- Would I have held you longer if I'd known they were your last? -Let Me Hold You Longer By: Karen Kingsbury This is what I am thinking of on the day my baby turns one! Yes, I'm crying!

This time last year....

This time last year I was waiting patiently to meet my little man. I had just checked in, gotten a room and was doing blood work and all that fun stuff!

Quick update....

I don't have time for a long post about the past week but I will give you a quick run down and then I PROMISE to update this evening! -School started for me last week- I am already feeling behind! -The little Monkey had his 1st BIRTHDAY BASH! -Our house turned into a toy store! -Mother's Day Out started (again) for my little man! SO..... I will have lots of pictures soon!!!! Right now I using my alone time wisely and going to grab lunch with my husband!!

As promised.... 11 month pics


"That will be a dollar please!"

It seems as though we have quit the entertainer on our hands these days! Todd was in charge of watching him this Saturday afternoon while I was in Atlanta to see CATs. They went to Lowe's, Walmart, Goolsbys, and Firehouse subs. Todd said he was a little flirt and he loved to show off his tricks! They are as follows.... -Throws arms up when you say, "touch down!" -claps after he does the above -the Indian noise- also like blowing kisses -dancing when you say, "dance" or when music comes on -waving -giving FIVE Tonight at dinner he really was a little flirt. Smiling and laughing, dancing and showing off everything he can do when someone smiles back at him. So cute!! So to the cashier at WalMart..... -No my son can't walk yet -No he is not drinking whole milk like your son has been doing since he was 9 months old -No he can't say "dog" or anything other than "Mama" or "dada"

Sometimes predictability is a GREAT THING!

I'm a huge mixture of fly by the seat of your pants and PLAN, PLAN, PLAN! If you were to ask my parents they would say I am NO mixture at all but that I am all PLANING!!! I love being on time and making plans way in advance. I also like to just pack up and go at a moments notice, decide where I am going to eat while on my way there and be surprised sometimes. When I had Wyatt and was nursing, there was no schedule! It was feeding on demand and all the time. It was sleeping whenever and wherever he fell asleep. It was cuddling in the bed until 10 and not taking a shower until noon because we had no plans. We just did WHATEVER! Then at some point feeding became every 3 hours, napping became more predictable and showers were taken before 10! Some how life shifted and it was then feeding every 4 hours, some baby food and two naps! Again, things change and I am now liking are scheduled and predictable days more than I ever have before! I like knowing that an afternoon nap will take pla...

Melted ice cream makes for a mess

I had two days left of Mother's day out and a LONG list of things to do! -finish invitations-glue, address, put in envelope, mail them! -get last minute decorations for party -finish a 15 page research paper that has been due for a YEAR -laundry -deal with member issues and payroll for a club or two -return a couple of emails -etc... What was not on the above list was what I had to deal with today.... a broken fridge and freezer! I had to wait for the man to come fix it, throw EVERYTHING out, take ALL the bags of stuff to garbage, wipe it all out, clean the sticky floor, then go to the store and refill it! It's been a long day!!! I did get the invitations done!!!

11 Months!

WOW! I can't believe that in one more month my little monkey will be 1 year old! Yes, 1!!! At 11 months he is up to ALOT!!!! -clapping -giving Five -blowing kisses-kinda -throwing arms up when you say "Touch Down!"- thanks to Mimi -waving -climbing the stairs -eating anything and everything like a big boy -sleeping from 9:30-10:30 on good days/ 2-3:30pm and then 8pm-7am -still loves playing in his crib -started Mother's Day Out two days a week -loves to play with cars- he pushes them all around and will even put his little people in and out and then take them for a ride around the house -trying to get into all the cabinets -will walk with someone holding his hands -LOVES the Wiggles He is the sweetest little gift from God. He is getting so big and I can't believe 11 months have gone by! Pictures will come soon.... promise!

"Mom, Stop feeding me baby food!"

Dear Mom, I don't want sweet taters, mixed veggies (YUCK), rice cereal mixed with any fruit is a NO, spinach, pears and peas are no longer an option for this little monkey! You don't eat it, I don't want! I will turn my head, shake my head, wave my hand at the spoon until you give me something else! PS. I like lima beans (I'll only eat these when I want to), corn, carrots, mandarin oranges, pizza, and TURKEY! I love me some turkey! So get to the store and buy me some yummy food! Love, your little monkey I feel like that is what he is saying to me every time I break out a jar of baby food! Its so funny out fast its changed! One taste of what we eat and he no longer wants baby food. Go figure! He now loves turkey, carrots, lima beans, pizza, mandarin oranges, corn, yogurt (HE LOVES THIS), blueberries, bread, cheerios in formula, sourdough english muffins with jelly, mac n' cheese, and the list is growing everyday! Its a whole new world of food and discovery.

MDO here we come!!

I love being a stay at home mom! I love being with him, playing with him, taking him to lunch and running errands with him. I love our time together!! I also love the concept of mothers day out and tomorrow Wyatt is going to try it!!! I think that every mom needs a couple hours a week to be by herself and do all the run around errands without having to drag a child in and out of the car seat and into stores in 100 degree weather. I also work from home, so its nice to be able to catch up on work without having to wait until nap time or worry that my work will be interrupted by a screaming baby. Am I nervous? Am I sad? Not right now but maybe ask me tomorrow! He has gone to the church nursery, he has had different babysitters, he has stayed for a week at my parents, a week at Todd's mom's house, a night here and a night there. So I am okay with all that, this shouldn't be any different right? Wish me luck!!!

was it the seagulls, crashing ocean waves or his new diaper

Since Wyatt was born we've had music in his room. For late night nursing sessions, i would turn it on, keep the lights down low and this would help keep him in a sleeping mood. The music, ocean-heartbeat combined in one! When he moved from our room to his nursery, I put the song on my ipod (now his) and it would play all night for him. It was VERY soothing! We also got into the habit of turning his sleep sheep on (sounded like an ocean) or the humidifier for extra noise. The kid likes to sleep in sound!!!! So last night, we tried this new sound machine (thanks to Faris for telling me about it) from bed bath and beyond. It is REALLY loud and doesn't turn off after 45 minutes (like the sheep) so it will play all night. I set it on the ocean sound, which is crashing waves and seagulls. I am not a fan of the seagulls but I love the crashing waves. I also need to add to this story that we are trying a new night time diaper. For the longest time we have been using Fisher Price nightt...

Sweet little moments

A pool, a water hose (put into place by my loving husband), 10 minutes to fill the pool, bathing suite change for mom, strip down for baby and what do you get......... SWEET LITTLE MOMENTS!!! A small pool on our back deck provided 30 minutes of fun for Wyatt. He didn't need any toys, he just needed water. I sat beside him snapping some cute pictures of him playing and then Kenzie trying to get in on the action. He loved it!!! I decided to join him and this is when our sweet little moments happened. He was trying to let go of the side of the pool and stand up and wave his hands and dance. He was good but a couple of times he almost went over, and one time he successfully did:(. I'm just not that fast (and I was sitting RIGHT in front of him). After the little spill I climbed into the pool (a little cold for me) and when he thought he was about to fall he would reach for me and let me hold him up. Then he put his little head against mine and looked into my eyes and gave me a BIG ...

The Connor Girls

Yesterday Todd and I packed up Wyatt and headed over to the Connor house to watch their two little girls, Eliza and Ryals. Eliza is two and Ryals is 9 months old. I arrived at 9:45 am to relieve the grandparents and I was alone until 12. What was I worried about, I used to be a nanny, oh and I'm a mom!! The girls were great! Ryals went down like a pro for her morning nap and Eliza and I went outside to play some bubbles and enjoy the outdoors before it got to hot. Thirty minutes later all three of us were playing in Eliza's room. It is so sweet how the two of them play together. At 11:45, I was buckling them both in their highchairs and getting them ready for lunch. Just then Todd arrived, with lunch and another hungry baby! He was in charge of feeding Wyatt, I was feeding Ryals and watching Eliza. Then I entertained them with the Wiggles so that we could eat. Once we were done, it was upstairs for some coloring, and lots of toys!! Before we knew it, 1:30 had rolled around and...

Blessed to have friends and a week to myself!

I should be using my last hour without a child doing productive things! Like.... cleaning the house, finishing my office organization project, folding some clothes, etc! Instead I would rather write about the week I had without my wonderful little boy! I had a wonderful week! I missed him like crazy but I enjoyed having some time to myself. Besides sleeping in, doing a little cleaning, a little organizing, running errands, going out to dinner with my husband, and just relaxing, I enjoyed spending time with some of my wonderful friends. I enjoyed lunch dates, an afternoon movie, and a girls night out. When I was in high school and even college I never had very many girlfriends. I had a few and to this day I am still friends with them but it wasn't until I became a mother that I really understood how important it is to have good friends. It is hard for me to meet and become close with people because I am not a very out going person. I think being a stay at home mom makes it harder to...


If anyone knows how to make pictures appear after what you post and not before please let me know!!! Also, I can't seem to write under my pictures. I could really use some help!

One Fish, Two Fish?!?

The second time is the charm! After spending LOTS of time thinking of Pirate Party ideas for my little man, I have changed it and I am now spending time thinking of Dr. Seuss party ideas!!! I won't lie, the web is very helpful. Google anything about Dr. Seuss and party and PAGEs and PAGES come up with fun party ideas. If anyone wants to share some though, please feel free.

Let's Fly Away...

Wyatt went flying for the first time Monday evening. Todd flew Nancy and Wyatt down to Kiawah Island so that Wyatt could spend a couple of days at Nancy's house. Todd said he did great!!! I was a little nervous of course, but I am loving having this time to my self. I feel very blessed to have family living close by!

10 month pictures!!


Call me crazy but...

I'm trying to make my own 'ocean in a bottle' invitations for Wyatt's first birthday party!!! So far, its not looking so great. I have googled.... "Pirate party", "Cute pirate stuff", "Baby pirate party", "pirate party ideas", "cute pirate party ideas", etc...! I have googled anything I could about pirate and a pirate party! I wanted something cute, not skull and bones type stuff but something for a one year old birthday party. I love the idea of theme parties and have been putting this one together for a while and I still have two months to go! That's right, the party is not until August 21st but I am bookmarking different ideas just about every other day. A cute cake idea here, some party plates there, you get the picture. If anyone has any ideas for a pirate party, send them my way PLEASE!! Right now I'm googling "pirate party invitations", it might be easier to click 'order' then to make the...


Yes I did! I stayed up until 12:01 to watch the midnight showing of Eclipse! I know I need to grow up, get a life, blah, blah, blah! I love it! I loved EVERY single Twilight book (New Moon not being my favorite) and I love seeing the books come to life. I saw the first movie when it came out and then got interested in listening to the books on our Christmas Cruise. I got so into it that I went to the midnight showing of New Moon, even though I had a 3 month old baby at home, that still woke up in the middle of the night! This time I was a little smarter and arranged for Wyatt to spend the night with his Papa (bc his Mimi was going with me to the show) and he was nice enough to keep him until 8:30 this morning. As soon as Wyatt arrived home, it was time to eat breakfast and go down for a morning nap! Lucky ME!!!!! Well I thought I was lucky until the little man didn't go to sleep. He played for an hour and a half without ever going to sleep. Well 5 and 1/2 hours of sleep is better ...

10 Months Old

My little monkey is 10 months old today!!! I can't believe it! I just can't believe it! (I think I say this every time!!!) I'm completely amazed by this little man in my life. Everyday he does something that just makes me smile. Here are some things he is doing..... -Moving like crazy!!!! He does his army crawl and even crawls on his knees now. Everyday he gets faster! He is also pulling up on anything and everything and will even let go and stand there for a second or two. Walking might be in the near future. -Clapping! I love this one. He has been clapping for sometime now but up until now it was just random clapping. Now when you say "Yay" for any reason, he will clap. He will stop what he is doing and just start clapping! I took him to see Toy Story 3 the other day and he just randomly clapped throughout the movie. -He is saying, "Mama" "Dada" "baba" "dat" and making some noise that sounds like a c. He also loves to scre...

Congrats Aniela and Brett

Aniela and I have been best friends since birth (Yes since birth!!) Her dad and my dad grew up together and of course were best friends. She is more like my sister. So when she found out I was pregnant, she was EXCITED!! When I found out she was pregnant, I was EXCITED!! When I found out she was having her baby one week early, WOW!! I was outside the door waiting to hear that sweet little cry of a newborn. I heard the cry and tears filled my eyes! I couldn’t be happier for Aniela and her husband Brett. On Thursday, June 17th, at 3:04pm, they welcomed Maggie Lynn Cantey into the world. Weighing in at 7 lbs 10 oz and 20 ½ inches long. She is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations Aniela and Brett! Your life has changed for the better, I promise! Time flies by so enjoy every moment of this time together. Side Note: hearing that sweet cry, not only brought tears to my eyes, but made me want another one….


I am SOOOO thankful for my wonderful husband! He is a great husband and father. I love the way he takes care of Wyatt, plays with him, feeds him, puts him to bed, gets up with him on the weekend. He takes good care of his family! I couldn't ask for a better father for my sweet little boy. Happy Father's Day honey!!