What's up with Wyatt?

These days Wyatt has been doing a lot of things......

-Screaming at the TOP of his lungs for no reason and sometimes for a reason but we don't know what it is!
- Waking up in the middle of the night crying! Keep in mind that this kid has been sleeping through the night since he was 3 months old!
- Refusing to eat certain foods that he once LOVED
- Enjoys throwing the foods he once loved over the side of his chair or throwing the gold fish all over my car instead of eating them, and then he laughs!
- WALKING! He is walking everywhere. This is a new development one that just started last week. (Yes, I'm a week late in telling the world that my child can walk)
- No longer enjoying his car rides
- Can say the following, not on command though; dog, mama, dada, church, DUCK. The last one is his favorite and this he will do on command. I also swear I have heard; snack, cheese, cookie
-gives hugs more often

I like the last two things on that list but we really gotta work on the others. I don't enjoy being screamed at ALL the time. I would like him to learn the words; milk, more, please, all done, drink.... anything to let me know what he wants so we can have a little less screaming. I don't mind him waking up in the middle of the night, other than it makes me sad for him and I know that he is not getting a good nights rest. I went in to rock him the first night this happened but after that he was on his own. I wasn't about to start a bad habit! Just like the times I am so tempted to snuggle with him in bed for a nap or bedtime, I think to myself NO, NO, NO, not something to start! So that is what's going on in my world, oh and I'm currently growing a baby! Yep, 13 weeks tomorrow! Heartbeat was 154 so anyone wanna guess what it is going to be????


  1. That was my exact heartbeat when we went in for our first appt! So I am guessing GIRL!


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