Funny Moment

I think babies can be very funny! However, I feel like toddlers are even funnier. There are so many moments throughout the day that just make me laugh and I want to start sharing them! Maybe they will make you laugh or just smile but it's mainly so I can look back and remember all of these funny little moments.

Monday afternoon we were waiting for daddy to get home and passing the time by playing upstairs in the playroom. He grabbed his book Goodnight Moon and I said, "bring it here, I'll read it!" He shock his head no and sat down, almost indian style in front of me. I watched him flip through the book and try to read it. That's not the funny part!
***SIDE NOTE:*** when we went to Montana in September there was a fire place within reach, so every time we saw it we said to him- "Fire hot! NO,NO!" and for some reason he would pat his head. Now every time he eats something hot, I say "it's hot" or he sees fire- he touches his head.
Back to the story, if you have ever read this book you know that they show a fire place several times throughout the story. As I was watching him, I noticed that he was touching his head. I looked at the page, sure enough there was a fireplace! Every time he saw the fireplace, pat on the head. It made me laugh!!!


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