
At 7:15 my status on facebook said, "I have a feeling this might be a long night... Think I should go to bed!" At 7:40, he was crying out and I thought, "Here we go!" At 8:25 he started crying and sat straight up, so at this point I went to see what was the matter. Even though there was very little light in his room, the chunks of blueberries and stuff that covered his face couldn't be missed. I turned the light up and rushed right over to my sweet boy who had throw up all over his face and head, all over the sheets and his sweet little lambie! I picked him up, gave him a bath and was thankful to have daddy there to help me change the sheets and hold him while I threw lambie in the washer. While Todd was holding him, he decided he needed to throw up a little more. After this, he seemed to feel much better and was smiling and talking to daddy!

So, I have NO idea what is wrong with my little man. Last week it was an ear infection, so he has been on medicine for 8 days and last night my mom noticed that he was pulling at his ears more and even cried out a couple of times last night and today was VERY cranky, which is not like him. At dinner he tonight he didn't eat anything but blueberries, come to find out he didn't eat anything at lunch! This should have been a sign to me. Well, we are off to the doctor tomorrow to check his ears anyway, looks like we will have one more thing to add to the list. I feel so bad for the sweet little man.

Oh and why blueberries!!! His poor sheets, Todd's shirt, my night gown and the matress protector are probably stained forever. At least he is sound asleep.


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