Sleeping in my arms

It's been a long time since I've held him while he sleeps! He normally is rocked for a minute, put in crib and goes right to sleep but then again the last time he took a morning nap at home was like a month ago! He was awake at 6:50 this morning, tired by 8:30 but we pushes through to go to his little gym class at Haydens. He had one very dirty diaper before leaving the house and didn't really feel the best. However he enjoyed his class but feel apart on way home. I took him right up to his room and he was falling asleep as I changed him, laid him down and hoped for the best. He was quiet until about 10 minutes later when he just started crying like he'd hurt himself! This was not like him so I went up and changed another BAD diaper! Then I tried to just hold him and he cried. Finally after rocking for a minute he stopped crying and went to sleep. Which is what he is still doing as I type this! I'm rocking and he is sleeping. I don't want this to be a long nap but something to help him get alittle more energy back! Poor thing, time change and teething has worn BOTH of us out!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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