What has Wyatt been up to?

What hasn't he been up to? I feel like everyday Wyatt changes and is learning new things. Here a just a few.....

-Words we know: sprout (the channel where we find the Wiggles), back, papa, nana, santa, church, Donna (teacher at MDO), ball, bath, bye (sounds very southern!), mama, dada, barn, hay, car, tractor, ATTEMPTS: Austin, Spencer, Lindsay, JenJen.
-Loves to: wave bye, dance, blow kisses take baths, pull out my pitchers every morning, go through daddy's bathroom cabinet, play with his cars, flip through his books, push his trucks around, try to walk down and up the stairs, try to use a fork and spoon and attempt to color.

Every day seems like a new adventure! I look at him every morning and he looks like a different child, he is growing up way to fast!

What's been going on: had our first battle with pink eye. YUCK! MDO called me last Friday and said his eye was red, I went to pick him up, took him to the doctor and he had pink eye. By Sunday he was better! While I was at the doctor I asked about the runny nose he has had since August and the cough he has had for a month. I had already been in about both and they never really know what is wrong. Friday wasn't any different. They are thinking allergies and told us to give him an allergy medicine once a day. Poor thing! We are also fighting against dry skin right now. His poor little legs feel so rough thanks to this cold weather.
On a happier note, we have seen Santa TWICE! Well, we saw him three times but only twice did he want to have anything to do with him. Once in Lenox mall, once at Bass Pro shop in Macon and once in Augusta Mall. The best was at Lenox. He walked right up to him and sat on his lap and smiled. In Macon he wanted NOTHING to do with him. For our last visit, Todd and I took him to the Augusta mall and he say on his lap and did great. It was so cute! I think watching ELF about 10 times and talking up Santa has really helped. I thought for sure that this would be the year he would do nothing but scream.

I have really enjoyed Christmas time this year! Having a little one makes it so exciting!


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