Sometimes, ya just gotta rock em!

My sweet little monkey normally takes great naps in the afternoon! GREAT ones! Normally he goes down VERY EASY. Today I made the mistake of giving him late morning nap so that I could get ready in peace. He is still at the age where he can take two naps, but I have to spread them out and I can't rely on the morning one cause they don't always happen. With all that being said, he took about an hour morning nap, then we went to the pizza joint and enjoyed lunch outside, then grabbed a cookie from the sunshine bakery, then walked around this little park and then headed home. I was thinking that by this time (2:00) his normal nap time, he would be worn out. He played, pooped, got changed, played some more, and after an hour.....I ROCKED THAT SWEET LITTLE BOY!!! Rocked for about 10 minutes, laid him down and he was out!

These days the only time he wants to be held and rocked, is when he is about to go to bed or go down for a nap. So I soaked up this time. Who cares that I have four loads of laundry to do, payroll to finish and send in, boxes to label and finish up, or a messy office to clean, I was ROCKING MY BABY!!! I held him, sang to him, and soaked up all the love he was willing to give me in that 10 minutes! Reminds me of a song that came out when he was born that always made me cry......

You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days, hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good days, so take a good look around
Cause you may not know it now, but you're gonna miss this.


  1. So sweet, Nicole. I totally agree! Some days you just rock them and forget that you have anything to do. I think it's so important to connect with our little ones! Oh, I hear mine waking up. Love this post!


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