Day Light Savings

I was loving my little monkey sleeping until 7:30/7:45 and then sometimes falling back to sleep until around 8:30. Then we had day light savings! Sunday morning (the first morning) he woke up at 6:15! Are you kidding me! Luckily my body did the same and we also had to get ready for church, we actually left he house on time!!!!! This was a first but hopefully not a last. On the way to my family’s house, he feel asleep- at 10:30 and then only took an hour afternoon nap. Monday morning he was up at 6:00, I changed his diaper and tried to lay him back down. This did not go over well. He stayed in his crib until about 7 but never went to sleep. I then noticed at 8 he was tired, so I tried to lay him down, I rocked him to sleep, laid him in the crib and he got right up! He made it to school and then took a good nap. Monday night, my sweet little baby boy turned in to this child I have never met! By 6 he did not want to eat, all he wanted to do was for me to chase him around the house, which I gladly did to keep him from a break down. By 6:45 he was crying while his daddy tried to get him to eat more dinner. Brief happiness, 23 minutes to be exact when we put the wiggles on so we could watch dinner. 7:30 it was bath time, he cried the WHOLE time, and then cried the WHOLE time daddy was getting him dressed and then our house was quiet again! Tuesday morning, he wakes at 6:47, so he is getting a little better!!! I do not like this whole DAY LIGHT SAVINGS THING!!


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