Bad mommy....

So my sweet little monkey is SICK!!! Let me back up and start with the oh so lovely event that happened last night at dinner! The little man sat in his chair at the French Market West just smiling, waving, dancing and shoving food into his mouth (lima beans, turkey, bread, puffs, and drinking lots of milk!). So while I was eating my yummy dessert he started to get a little fussy. I picked him up and held him, he started to cough, drool a little so I turned him to face me (WHY!!!). He then preceded to projectile vomit all over me and the floor and I'm very surprised he did not reach the booth beside us! It was gross!!!!! It was also the first time he has ever done anything like that! He seemed much better, smiling and wanting to walk outside with daddy. The next morning he slept until 9 am!!!! Perhaps this should have been my first clue? He seemed happy, no fever, just a little runny nose but that was nothing new. So we went to our play group! This is why I am calling my self a bad mommy! After the play group we met my mom for a quick lunch, he didn't eat much, then headed home to give him an early nap so we could get to our doctors appointment (well baby checkup) at 2:30. He feel fast asleep and slept until I woke him up at 2:30, he was BURNING UP!!! Hot, Hot, Hot with red little cheeks. He seemed so sad, I held him for a minute and then we went to our appointment. They checked me in and made us wait until they checked his temp to decided what room to go to. We didn't end up going to a waiting room, we went straight to the back for meds because she said, "He is burning up! 103.5! When is the last time you gave him anything?" WOW bad mommy moment number 2, I haven't because I didn't realize he was sick! We didn't have to wait long for the doctor, she came in, checked ears, throat, etc. all with him screaming and didn't find anything! She didn't know what was wrong, only gave me a list of what was going around and told me that I needed to keep his fever down.

GOOD MOMMY moment.... we came right home, held him, rocked and he went to sleep again! When he woke up I gave him lots of hugs and attention! I hope I don't get kicked out of the playgroup!


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