Cleaning Day

Before I get to cleaning my house (It really needs its), I wanted to enjoy my bowl of cereal and update the blog. Today Wyatt is trying something new. We found a great lady online that keeps children at her home along with her two young children. At first I was unsure about this but after meeting with her, seeing her home and seeing how happy her kids were, I thought that it was worth a try. She is an educator and believes in not just letting them play but helping them learn new things. I was very impressed when her 3 year old son could recognize the word 'because' and the word 'cat' and he showed us how to write the letter 'A'. So today I dropped off my sweet boy and I didn't even cry! I was a little nervous driving there but she made me feel very at ease. He didn't even cry when I left (of course I let his sweet lambie go with him).

We will see how this works out. For now I am enjoying my breakfast in silence and I am about to get my butt up and clean this house! It's bad!


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