A little sickness in the house

Am I sick.... NO! Is Todd sick....NO! Is our cute little 16 month old sick.....YES! Would it be easier if I were sick or Todd were sick....YES! After the blueberry incident, he feel asleep and slept soundly until 7:20. He got up and seemed fine, until I put breakfast in front of him. If you know Wyatt, you would know that he likes to EAT! The kids loves his food. So when he had gone a day and half with very little to eat, I knew something was wrong. I think that a nice hot bath cures EVERYTHING and when you add bubbles, it's extra special. So we left our breakfast and went straight for a bath. My good thing Valery came over around 9:30 to watch him so I could go to my massage.

***side note*** I feel like a bad mother writing this but I told Valery what was going on before she came over and thought of canceling it, but at the time he seemed like he was on the rebound and she didn't mind coming over to play with him for an hour or two.

That being said, I left him in the caring hands of Valery, who played with him in his new kitchen and tried to feed him lunch. When I returned, she said he had been a little cranky and didn't eat much. I poured him some pedialyte, cuddled the little fellow and laid him down. He slept from 1-3:15! I had to wake him up to go to the doctor! The doctor didn't have much to say, ear infection looks cleared up, but now you have caught something on top of that! Just keep fluids in him and start eating things like bananas and toast, oh and good luck! He seemed to feel okay but again didn't eat dinner, which means that I didn't get to eat dinner until he went to bed.

This morning he seems to be VERY tired but he did eat almost all of a banana and a piece of bread. Then it was another warm bath and he feel asleep as I was dressing him. Now still sound asleep! I am praying that this passes fast.


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