
Halloween is not my favorite holiday, but having kids gives a new meaning to it and makes it ALOT more fun! Last year it was just about carving pumpkins with the family and taking pictures of our little lobster but this year it was about trick or treating and getting together with friends!! I love our family tradition of pumpkin carving at the lake which also includes hearing ghost stories told by kids under the age of 6 and eating good food! So I always look forward to that:)! This year we started a new tradition, well a couple of them.

1. trick or treating with Wyatt's little buddies (and mine!!) so much fun! A cow, a sock monkey and a skeleton are very cute walking up to houses to get their mommies lots of candy! It is also always fun to have some good old adult conversation with some great couples!

2. NO more costumes with big bulky head pieces! Wyatt had this cute little lion costume, we got two pictures and then he didn't want to put it on again! He hated it! So at the last minute I bought a cute little skeleton pj set, he looked really cute and he was comfortable!

3. Chili and a fried turkey at the Cantey house! It is always fun to get together with life long friends! I have known Aniela my entire life (not kidding) and I love the fact that we used to go trick or treating and now we are getting together with our kids! After an hour of trick or treating it was fun to relax and enjoy some yummy food!

It was so much fun this year and I can't wait until next year!


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