Heaven on earth

Montana has had a special place in my heart since I was a little girl. I can still remember the night my dad came into my room and told me they bought a ranch in Bozeman and that we would be spending the summer out there. Our summers were spent exploring 160 acres of the beautiful ranch. Playing in the creek behind the house, riding horses, playing make believe in the barn that wasn't being used for horses, riding bikes up and down the LONG driveway, jumping off the hay stacks,going to rodeos, hiking, picking fresh berries, and some how surviving without CABLE! All we had for entertainment on a rainy day or at night, was one small television with one vhs (Dunstin Checks In). That's all we had one summer and it was the best I can remember!

We spent winters and summers out there for along time until the summer before I went to 6th grade, they decided we would move out there for good! It was a long three day journey! School out there was great, there were no cliques, clothes didn’t need a label (there was only one tiny mall), and no one cared what shoes you wore. It was about who you were and keeping warm! I loved it!

In April we had to pack up and go back to the south. Running the business from Montana wasn’t working out and my dad needed to move back home. I was thrown back into the reality of cliques, labels and being the not so new kid. Old friends had moved on and made new ones and I was left to learn what the new fashions were and how best to fit in. We continued to go to Montana and at some point, some person made my parents an offer they couldn’t refuse and it was all gone! The ranch was replaced by land inside glacier National park (the other end of the state!). I decided to spend my first year of college back in bozeman but missed home to much and returned home that summer. Years were spent trying to get the cabin in the park done (due to the fact that you can only get to the park until a certain time of year and that the park wanted it back). Finally it was done! Well done enough for us to go stay there!

In short, Montana holds a special place in my heart. Always has and always will.


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