The Connor Girls

Yesterday Todd and I packed up Wyatt and headed over to the Connor house to watch their two little girls, Eliza and Ryals. Eliza is two and Ryals is 9 months old. I arrived at 9:45 am to relieve the grandparents and I was alone until 12. What was I worried about, I used to be a nanny, oh and I'm a mom!! The girls were great! Ryals went down like a pro for her morning nap and Eliza and I went outside to play some bubbles and enjoy the outdoors before it got to hot. Thirty minutes later all three of us were playing in Eliza's room. It is so sweet how the two of them play together. At 11:45, I was buckling them both in their highchairs and getting them ready for lunch. Just then Todd arrived, with lunch and another hungry baby! He was in charge of feeding Wyatt, I was feeding Ryals and watching Eliza. Then I entertained them with the Wiggles so that we could eat. Once we were done, it was upstairs for some coloring, and lots of toys!! Before we knew it, 1:30 had rolled around and I put Todd in charge of Ryals and Wyatt, I put Eliza down for her nap, then let Ryals finish her bottle before putting her down, while Todd gave Wyatt his bottle and got him to sleep! The house was quiet from 1:45 until 3:30 when Ryals and Wyatt woke up and then Eliza joined us at 5. That girl can sleep!!! Todd and I enjoyed a movie while everyone was napping and when they were all up we broke out the double BOB and our single BOB and went for a stroll! Came home, got dinner ready and managed to serve all three dinner and then give them all a bath and ready for bed. Let me just say, it was not hard, because these girls really are good! They take good naps, play well together and even though Ryals didn't feel the best, she was good. I think it just takes some getting used to. Having three, two of which are only a month apart, is by no means easy. Those who have twins, I really don't know how they do it. Then again, I bet you just learn to manage and the kids learn patience. We had a great time and I would do it again in a heartbeat!


  1. You guys are the best!!!! What a worry off of our minds having you and Todd watching the girls. Thank you for your patience and willingness to do that! I will watch Wyatt anytime! I think that it's a good idea for friends to do this kind of thing...teaches our kids a sense of community! :)


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