17 weeks

I'm 17 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 17 Weeks
Size of baby: McKinley is the size of an onion!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 4.5 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I need to go shopping!!! Currently loving my gap maternity skinny jeans and black leggings!
Gender: It’s a GIRL
Movement: Felt her move for the first time on Friday, November 5th. I had to lay very still in order to feel the small movement.
Sleep: Time change has me very tired at night but ready to get up around 6:45. Tossing and turning a little to get comfortable.
What I miss: sleeping on my stomach and back. I love both!
Cravings: Sweet stuff! I want Sweet Tarts, Sour gummy worms, etc. I have no desire to eat fried chicken, a lot of red meat or really anything fried. I’m just not that hungry.
Symptoms: Right now just a little tired and if I don’t eat, I don’t feel well. The smell of some fried foods makes me sick.
Best Moment this week: feeling her move for the first time.


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