Little Monkey is 1!!!

My little man is 12 months old! He is ONE!!!! I can't believe that! ONE! Okay, I'll stop saying that and get to the good stuff, what he's up to......

-taking more steps- I think that Walking is in our near future.
-roaring like a lion-THIS IS MY FAVORITE! He looks so cute when he does it!
-screaming- THIS IS NOT MY FAVORITE! He can scream louder than I can. I'm not kidding!
-Gave up bottles and formula- He did this like a pro! Within three days of turning one we were bottle free and onto whole milk. COLD in a straw cup, no heating it or sippy cups!!!
-makes car noises- he loves to push his cars around
-loves to dance
-started back at mothers day out and is doing great
-had his first hair cut

I can't think of anything else right this second. All I know is that he is growing like a weed! He learns new things everyday and I love watching him learn!


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