18 weeks

I'm 18 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 18 Weeks
Size of baby: McKinley is the size of a sweet potato!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: as of last week at the doctor.... lost 2 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Went shopping last Friday!! Currently loving my pea in the pod black and jean color jeggings (I hate that term- so lets call them my jean leggings.) I love these things!
Gender: It’s a GIRL
Movement: Feeling her move more and more as the days go by! Mostly at night when lay down but also some throughout the day. Random little movements to let me know she is there.
Sleep: Still thrown off a little by the time change! Also Wyatt has been waking up on occasion!
What I miss: sleeping on my stomach and back. I love both!
Cravings: Sweet stuff! I want Sweet Tarts, Sour gummy worms, etc. I have no desire to eat fried chicken, a lot of red meat or really anything fried. I’m just not that hungry.
Symptoms: Right now just a little tired and if I don’t eat, I don’t feel well. The smell of some fried foods makes me sick.
Best Moment this week: feeling her move more and more.


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