10 Months Old

My little monkey is 10 months old today!!! I can't believe it! I just can't believe it! (I think I say this every time!!!) I'm completely amazed by this little man in my life. Everyday he does something that just makes me smile.

Here are some things he is doing.....

-Moving like crazy!!!! He does his army crawl and even crawls on his knees now. Everyday he gets faster! He is also pulling up on anything and everything and will even let go and stand there for a second or two. Walking might be in the near future.

-Clapping! I love this one. He has been clapping for sometime now but up until now it was just random clapping. Now when you say "Yay" for any reason, he will clap. He will stop what he is doing and just start clapping! I took him to see Toy Story 3 the other day and he just randomly clapped throughout the movie.

-He is saying, "Mama" "Dada" "baba" "dat" and making some noise that sounds like a c. He also loves to scream.

-Loves the water! He just got done taking swim lessons and he really loved them. By NO means can he swim now but he likes the water.

-eating more and more finger foods. A new one he loves is pizza crust!

-likes to dance and watch the Wiggles

-One little tooth has finally come up!

-holds his bottle (He even spits his pacifier out when he sees you have it and grabs the bottle and puts it right in his mouth.)

-Drinks out of a straw cup!!!! love this one!!

- Waves bye bye- not always when you want him to though

- loves to play with his toys. Espically his books! He loves books. It is so cute watching him flip through the pages.

-He loves playing in his crib. He will play without making a sound for an hour before he finally falls asleep and then will play for about 30 minutes in the morning before I get him up.

His days are spent....
-Having three bottles, 8 oz each.
-Eating three meals and some finger foods for snacks
-sipping on apple juice, water and unsweet tea
-taking an hour morning nap, an 1.5 afternoon nap and sleeping from 8 until 7am!
-LOTS of playing and reading.
-an episode of the Wiggles.

I promise... Pictures soon!


  1. They're growing up too fast! Is there a slow down button we can hit??


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