was it the seagulls, crashing ocean waves or his new diaper

Since Wyatt was born we've had music in his room. For late night nursing sessions, i would turn it on, keep the lights down low and this would help keep him in a sleeping mood. The music, ocean-heartbeat combined in one! When he moved from our room to his nursery, I put the song on my ipod (now his) and it would play all night for him. It was VERY soothing! We also got into the habit of turning his sleep sheep on (sounded like an ocean) or the humidifier for extra noise. The kid likes to sleep in sound!!!! So last night, we tried this new sound machine (thanks to Faris for telling me about it) from bed bath and beyond. It is REALLY loud and doesn't turn off after 45 minutes (like the sheep) so it will play all night. I set it on the ocean sound, which is crashing waves and seagulls. I am not a fan of the seagulls but I love the crashing waves. I also need to add to this story that we are trying a new night time diaper. For the longest time we have been using Fisher Price nighttime diapers and we have loved them but they don't sell those on diapers.com and so Todd convinced me to try a new brand.

At 3:57 am Wyatt was crying! Wyatt crying in the middle of the night- this is not normal. I go in, change his diaper, and then hold and rock him for a minute. Then I lay him in his crib and walk out. At nap time, this doesn't create a problem. Before I could even get back into bed, I saw him stand up at one end of the crib and holding his lamb, he just CRIED!! I gave him 10 minutes and then, yes, I did what I said I wouldn't do... I went in and got him. That didn't stop the crying! He pushed away and just looked at me and cried! And Cried! And cried!! Finally i got him to stop crying and once he calmed down I put him back in crib. No MORE crying! He was awake for a couple minutes but then put himself to sleep! Poor baby! I think he didn't feel well. Poor thing!!!!


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