Sometimes predictability is a GREAT THING!

I'm a huge mixture of fly by the seat of your pants and PLAN, PLAN, PLAN! If you were to ask my parents they would say I am NO mixture at all but that I am all PLANING!!! I love being on time and making plans way in advance. I also like to just pack up and go at a moments notice, decide where I am going to eat while on my way there and be surprised sometimes. When I had Wyatt and was nursing, there was no schedule! It was feeding on demand and all the time. It was sleeping whenever and wherever he fell asleep. It was cuddling in the bed until 10 and not taking a shower until noon because we had no plans. We just did WHATEVER! Then at some point feeding became every 3 hours, napping became more predictable and showers were taken before 10! Some how life shifted and it was then feeding every 4 hours, some baby food and two naps! Again, things change and I am now liking are scheduled and predictable days more than I ever have before! I like knowing that an afternoon nap will take place around 1:30/2, I like knowing that on the days we are home, a nap will take place, I love knowing that Tuesdays is crab leg night,etc..! For the past three weeks it has looked like this and I like it!!

Monday: dragging a little from the weekend and these are LONG days for us! Just the two of us from 7am until 9:30pm! bottle, breakfast, nap, go out to lunch, run some errands, play at home, bottle, nap, play time, go to dinner with anyone that wants to go!

Tuesdays: Mother's Day Out and then home for bottle and nap! Then it's Crab leg night at French Market Grill West!

Wednesday: Maybe a playdate?!?! Always a mall day! My mom and I walk around the mall, not to buy stuff but really just to look and catch all the sales, yes they all happen on Wednesdays!!!

Thursdays: Mother's Day Out and then home for bottle and nap!

Fridays: morning routine to include NAP! LUNCH with fabulous friends!!!!! Bottle, nap and then wait for daddy so we can start our weekend!!!

I am excited about 'back to school' starting in another week! I am excited for our new routine and all the things it holds in store for the two of us and for our family! Let me explain....

Monday: MDO- then aiming for long afternoon nap!!
Tuesday: Wyatt will be with Mimi or Nana... I will be at Augusta State
Wednesday: PLAY GROUP- hoping for that afternoon nap
Thursday: Wyatt will be with Mimi or Nana.. You can find me at Augusta State
Friday: MDO for Wyatt- quiet afternoon lunch with the ladies without Wyatt!

I am excited about having a predictable week, cooking more dinners at home to have more family time, fun play dates with our friends and all the other fun stuff that comes along with fall (like playing outside!)! I know you all must think I'm crazy, Fall doesn't start yet but in my mind, when the kids go back to school, fall is right around the corner.


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