Call me crazy but...

I'm trying to make my own 'ocean in a bottle' invitations for Wyatt's first birthday party!!! So far, its not looking so great. I have googled.... "Pirate party", "Cute pirate stuff", "Baby pirate party", "pirate party ideas", "cute pirate party ideas", etc...! I have googled anything I could about pirate and a pirate party! I wanted something cute, not skull and bones type stuff but something for a one year old birthday party. I love the idea of theme parties and have been putting this one together for a while and I still have two months to go! That's right, the party is not until August 21st but I am bookmarking different ideas just about every other day. A cute cake idea here, some party plates there, you get the picture. If anyone has any ideas for a pirate party, send them my way PLEASE!! Right now I'm googling "pirate party invitations", it might be easier to click 'order' then to make them.


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