Our first day in Hawaii
I feel very blessed that my child was able to sleep from 12 am to 7 am considering the time change that we went through. Sure, he didn't make it all night without needing any help, but no diaper change or feeding needed and he always went right back to sleep, I think thats doing pretty darn good. I have to thank God for that. When I found out that we were going on this trip, I began to pray every night that Wyatt would have a smooth transition to the new time. Looks like my prayers were answered. I think we still have a day or two to go but he is doing great. So today started at 7 am and is about to end when I get done typing this lovely post. Wyatt is already sound asleep in the crib stationed right in front of our dresser, the sound of waves crashing is starting to also put me to sleep. He has been asleep for the past twenty minutes and because I don't want to run the risk of waking him up by turning on the tv, I decided to hold off on watching my one of my Christmas presents...