Out of the Bed:(

Current nightly routine:
-Let dogs out to go to the bathroom
-Wipe the dogs off
-Put them in the bed and go get myself ready for bed
-Try to shift Coby from my pillow and get myself settled between two body pillows and two dogs that like to be right on top of me.
-By 1:00am Shift Kenzie and the body pillow and try to slide out of bed to use the bathroom
-3 am Kenzie or Coby making noise to get out of bed. Shift the pillows, lift Coby off the bed, walk downstairs and let them out. Wait for them to finish, lock them in the laundry room and make my way back upstairs.
-6 am back up again to go to the bathroom. Happy there are no dogs to adjust and fight with!

This routine has pretty much been the same the whole summer. Now that I am 36 weeks pregnant it is hard to maneuver and when you add two dogs it becomes almost impossible. If I lay on my right side, my legs eventually get restless and I have to move to the other side, this involves shifting the dogs. Then the legs get restless and its back to the other side or I have to go to the bathroom or the dogs have to go to the bathroom! Its crazy!! We knew that this could not go on for much longer and when Wyatt comes and I have to get up every three hours to feed him, they would definitely be a problem. So we made the tough decision that before Wyatt comes they would move to the laundry room at night and when Wyatt can sleep in his nursery they could come back to our bed, cause we love to cuddle with them!

Last night we put them in the laundry room and headed to bed. I've been using Wyatt's video monitor to spy on them and make sure that coby is sharing the bed with Kenzie, turns out he doesn't, she is sleeping on the floor. So I decided to make her a nice little place on the floor. They only cried for a couple of minutes and looked so cute on the little monitor. I know me spying on the dogs is silly but I have to say its fun to watch and see what they do when you are not around. I hope they don't hate us cause as much as I missed them, I slept great!!


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