Movies...Past and Present!

I love classic movies! Some of my favorites include Singin' in the Rain, Casablanca, My Fair Lady, Anchors Aweigh, For Me and My Gal, An Affair to Remember, The Grapes of Wrath and the list goes on. No wonder I'm a major in history! I can now add to my list, Gone with the Wind. I started it on Saturday night and ended it with Todd on Sunday morning. I was surprised that he liked it as much as he did because he is not a big movie fan. Something about this movie just drew me in and I now want to add it to our movie collection, although I'm not sure when I will be able to find three hours to watch it again. I'm sure that I am the last person to finally see this movie but if you haven't watched it it!

As much as I love classic movies, I also love current hits, for example Twilight! Yes, I said it I like the twilight series. I am to old for it but I must say after seeing the first movie, I went out and read, ok I listened to all four book and feel in love with them. Not only was I hooked but I also got my mother, Aunt and friend Kristie hooked on them. So at 10:30 Thursday evening we lined up outside the Evans Theatre to get seats for the 12:01 showing of New Moon. Yep, I put little Wyatt to bed, left daddy in charge and stayed up to watch the first showing of the movie. I LOVED IT! It was a little slow at times but the book was slow so what do you expect. They left us hanging though and now I have to wait for the next one to come to life on the big screen. The book will always be better but I love seeing it on the big screen!


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