Hawaii here we come

After finally getting all the bags packed and boxes shipped, we loaded up the car and headed out of our drive way at 6:30am. I actually had to wake little man up! He woke up with a smile though. We made it with only one stop to Atlanta and got to the airport by 9:30. Todd pulled up to the curb, jumped out of the car and started to unload our 2 checked bags, big jogging stroller, our little carry on backpack, our big carry on roll bag, bassinet, and then once I got him strapped in the front carrier, we unloaded his carseat. It was crazy!!!! We made our way through security and had about an hour to spare so we decided to all relax and feed Wyatt. Once settled in our seats, I let Nancy hold him for take off and then I tried to put him to sleep. This is our first fit! he didn't want to go to sleep and he fought me with all his strength, to bad I one!! WE both slept for about an hour until my fingers felt numb and I gave him to Todd. Wyatt made it through the rest of the flight to Salt Lake City being passed from Todd, to Nancy, to Morgan and then to me. He did great! We landed in Salt Lake and realized that our plane to L.A was delayed, this was not so great. AFter feeding little man I put him in his new carrier (ergo baby) thanks Faris for telling me about it, and he went right to sleep. he loved that thing! He woke up shortly after take off and here comes fit number two! I held him and fought with him for about thirty minutes until he gave in and I won! He slept for alittle bit and then woke up when we were landing. We had a very tight connection but they held the flight and we made it. By this time Wyatt was VERY tired!!! AFter getting on the plane and taking off, we gave him a bottle dressed him for bed, put him in the bassinet on the floor. (This didn't make the flight attendants happy but it made Wyatt happy) The whole family slept until we landed in Maui! i put him in the carrier and we collected our bags, loaded up in a big SUV (we had alot of stuff) and drove 50 minutes to the hotel. He then stayed awake until we were all unpacked (around 12:00am) we put him in his crib and he slept until 7 am! Okay, he woke up twice but both times all he wanted was a pacifier, quick butt pat and his little pig! I think thats pretty darn good for a four month old who has been traveling all day!
The top picture.... me in the airport with little man in carrier.
Bottom picture..... Wyatt at the hotel while we check in.
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