September 17th (a little late)

So I wrote this on September 17th.... just now getting posted... oh well!

When I was pregnant I got to hear lots of labor and delivery stories, mommy advice and pregnancy advice. I didn't mind it! I atucally really liked it, and now that I am a new mommy I understant it. I love sharing my stories and little pieces of advice that I have learned. That being said I thought that I would share a couple of things....

I was told....

“You will miss being pregnant.”- This is completely true! Today I was riding down the road listening to some sad country song and I thought, I miss feeling him kick and move around. I miss the waiting game that we played at the end, I miss the planning and not knowing. I miss the connection that we shared.

“Breastfeeding is hard and painful.”- This is partly true. It is harder than I ever thought it would be but not as painful as people made it out to be. Its time consuming, requires patience and practice.

“Time will fly by.”- This is very true. I still look back and think about how fast it has gone by and wish that time would stop. Friends are going into labor and I wish I could go and do that again.. partly because I am still sad that I didn’t get to experience it the way that I thought I would. I missed part of the connection I think Mothers get when they give birth the way God intended it. When they get to hear their baby cry for the first time, hold it for the first time and breastfeed right away. That moment that a mother has waited 9 months for. Looking into that babies eyes and into her husbands eyes and feeling a connection that has never been felt before. I really wanted that.

Then there are things people didn’t tell me….
-like the fact that after delievery you will be wearing pads in more than one place because you are going to leak like crazy!

-After giving birth (really after a c-section I think) you will want some granny panties and some really good spanx! The grannie panties are to make sure that nothing comes close to touching that incision and holds everything in without rolling over. The spanx also help in that department as well as helping you get into some regular jeans!

-halo sleep swaddle sacks! Life saver!!!!! Wyatt does not go to bed without it. I don’t know who came up with them but they are a must have!

-that you will want some transition clothes- something that is not maternity but not back to your old stuff yet.

-when you find a nursing bra that you like- buy more than one of them cause you will wear them out.

-Pacifers! People told me about them- many told me not to use it until after like a month when breastfeeding was well established. Well, at three weeks we love it and don’t’ know what we did without it.

If anyone has any mommy advice or stories please share! I love hearing them!!


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