Tuesday, August 25th. 2009

This day was the best day of my life.... this day was also a blurr.... this day is one that I will remember for the rest of my life!

7:45 am- woke up and feeling okay! Todd went home to take a shower before things got going. We met our nurse and waited for the doctor. No more drinks, no more food... ice chips only! Pitocin was started!

10: am- Doctor George Williams came to visit us and check me to see if I had progressed any! The answer was a no!

11:30 am- By this time I really was feeling the pain of having the max dose of Pitocin. Lindsey our nurse told me to hang in there and when the doctor came back around lunch time maybe he would tell me its okay to get an epidural. okay... I can do it... lunch time is now in my book so he should be here soon! That is not what that means. Since I couldn't really get up and walk around when I did feel pain I just shifted from side to side the best that I could. I had visitors come keep me company and every now and then I would take a little nap. Lindsay finally informed me that I had the max dose and they were going to cut me off of the pitocin and start me on it again slowly to see if that did anything.

3:00 pm- Williams comes in to break my water- not to bad.. the next part.... VERY BAD... he had to insert two internal monitors. One for me and one that was attached to Wyatt's head. Not only did I cry, but Todd cried and after he was done my dad walked in, saw me crying and had to leave. I hadn't progressed much... I knew then that was a bad sign. Still at 2 almost a 3. Good news... I can have an epidural!

3:45 pm- Received Epidural.. nothing to it other than the stuff that numbs you up! That burns so bad I grabbed onto Lindsay's arms. After that my legs started to go numb and I was a much happier person.

Yes my legs went numb and the pain was much better than before, but I still felt more than what they kept calling "Pressure". I would later learn that was Wyatt's head pushing on my pelvic bone and apparently the epidural doesn't work so well in that one spot

6 pm- Williams comes to check me and also break the news that I am not progressing since they broke my water and the C word was brought up. Tears filled my eyes and I began to cry because that was the last thing that I wanted. He was going to give me alittle more time and then come back to check. I cried with Todd, my mom and then everyone left to give me a minute. Aniela, Lindi and their mom all walked in... they are like a second family to me and the minute I saw Aniela (my best friend whom I grew up with) I started to cry again! After coming to the conclusion that this was the best thing... I just prepared myself.

8 pm- Williams checks me.... no progress.... getting ready for a c-section. Got more pain medication because I was still having lots of pain and got prepared to go back. (Had a lifesaver... this will be important later)

8:30 pm- my mom was dressed- Todd was dressed and I was shaking uncontrollably from the medication. I said bye to everyone who was in the hall as I was wheeled back to the operation room. Todd and my mom had to wait until they got ready so I was alone, shaking and feeling like I was going to throw up. I was laid on the table and in the back ground I could hear the grumpy anesthesiologist complaining because Dr. Williams allowed my mom and husband to come back, then it hit me... I needed to throw up. I started asking them what to do and finally I just rolled my head to the side and did. Then I heard "What did you drink that was red!" He was really mad and I replied " A Lifesaver. The nurse said it was fine." The grumpy man gave me a lecture about how this was not fine! A little late now!

I saw my mom and Todd come in and they started to cut me, I didn't feel that. Then I felt something... no not pressure... pain.. lots of pain so I asked them to stop and finally when they realized I was in alot of pain they knocked me out with something. when I woke up Todd said we had a beautiful baby boy!! He brought him over for me to see and then left.

I had to hang in the recovery room while everyone else got to look at Wyatt. About an hour and a half later I was in my room and holding my brand new baby boy!


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