I have to Brag.....

I have been wanting to write this for awhile but with a new baby at home that takes an hour to eat, I don't get a lot done! This is for Todd, my wonderful husband!!!

Like most couples, we talked about children before we got married. We needed to make sure that we were both on the same page about how many we wanted and at what point in life we wanted them. I have always wanted a big family, 3 or more! Todd on the other hand has always said 1 or 2. When we first found out that we were expecting Todd seemed alittle hesitate. That is all I wanted to talk about and I think it drove him CRAZY! However, he put up with me! At our first doctors appointment (9weeks) we got to hear the heartbeat! I think then it became real to Todd, this was really going to happen. Throughout the whole pregnancy he was great. He was very involved and excited. I had no doubt that Todd would be a great father! He has really surprised me though....

Todd was the best labor partner I could have ever asked for. He was there for me every step of the way and I couldn't have done it without him. He stayed every night in the hospital, went back and forth to let our dogs out and make sure they were taken care of, he changed every diaper (except for a few changed by nurses and family but I didn't change any), he helped me get in and out of bed, made sure I was able to get something to eat, got me up and walking, and helped me get settled at home. Once I got home, he did everything he could to help make my easier! He let me take naps and helped me relax. Over the past 7 weeks he has really been a great dad. He comes home and takes over without missing a beat. Changes lots and I mean lots of diapers, gets up early on Saturday and Sunday so I can sleep and loves just spending the days with us. He also cooks dinner every night and makes sure that dishes and clothes are washed and put away. He is the BEST!!

I can't imagine doing this without him. I love him in a different way, I feel like we share a deeper connection than ever before and I can't imagine life any other way! The man who said he wasn't sure if he wanted one or two kids just the other day told me he can't wait until we can have another and maybe do this baby thing more than one more time!

Todd, I love you and want to thank you for all the wonderful things you do for this family!


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