Just another Monday?

Yesterday was a very different kind of day for us. Friday I started not feeling well, my stomach was upset and stayed that way and then Sunday night it was accompied by cramping and some lower back pain. I didn't think to much of it until it started to be very uncomfortable, so I called the doctor and talked to the nurse. After she talked to the doctor she informed me that Williams wanted us to go to Labor and Delivery to be monitored. WHAT? I thought she would just say, get some rest and we will see you at your appointment tomorrow, but no he wanted us to go to the hospital.

Not knowing what to expect I threw some makeup in a little bag, just in case someone had to run back home to get our bags... the bags that have been completely packed for about a week now... well as completley as they can be (lacking makeup, a hair brush, snacks and an outfit) locked the dogs up and then headed to the hospital. I had already called Todd and told him not to come because I didn't want him to waste his time if all they were going to say is, "Your crazy, not in labor, go home". He wanted to come anyway... because hes a great husband! We made it to University, into the triage center, changed into the lovely and ever so fashionable delievery gown and laid on the bed to be hooked up to monitors. Two monitors, one that Todd thought sounded like being at the horse races (Wyatt's heartbeat) and the other to monitor if I was having contrations. After answering lots of questions, she informed us that his heartrate was good, showing good activity, and that I only had a couple of little tiny 20 second contractions. Basically nothing! I figured nothing but I wanted to be on the safe side! We were very excited because its a little early for Wyatt to make his big arrival! I felt kind of silly but I just didn't know but now I do:) So if someone could just help my stomach feel better we would be doing good!


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