36 week update
On Tuesday we went to our 36 week doctor checkup. The only thing fun about this appointment was the fact that we were having another ultrasound done to see how big Wyatt is. Todd was 9 plus at birth and I was 7 something. Everyone thought that this would be a big baby and at first I didn't think so but I have to say if he is already 7 lbs I'm thinking that he is going to be big!! After learning that babies typically grow 1/2 a pound a week from now until birth I was very nervous about having a 9 plus baby! We talked to the doctor about his thoughts and talked about a possible induction...something that when I first got pregnant I didn't want. Williams said that at our next appointment we would see how things were progressing and make a game plan from there. I am still not sure if I like the idea of scheduling a day for Wyatt to be born. I would love to have that surprise of "It's Time!" but then again what if he goes past his due date and ends up being very big and we need to have a C-Section. If anyone has any advice I would love to hear it! If I had to decide today... I would wait until August 27th... his due date.. if he didn't come then schedule and induction for around that day.
Other than going to the doctor not much has happened this week other than its going really slow! I can no longer sleep like I used to be able to, getting up in the middle of the night is not the only hard thing... turning over from one side to the other is almost impossible! I just can't get comfortable. During the day I tend to feel okay, I've had a headache almost everyday, stomach problems, and just tired. As much as I love being pregnant I am ready to meet Wyatt.
Here is a picture of Wyatt at 36 weeks. We tried to get another 3d but he is to big. I think he looks like Todd, even his little profile reminds me of Todd.
Other than going to the doctor not much has happened this week other than its going really slow! I can no longer sleep like I used to be able to, getting up in the middle of the night is not the only hard thing... turning over from one side to the other is almost impossible! I just can't get comfortable. During the day I tend to feel okay, I've had a headache almost everyday, stomach problems, and just tired. As much as I love being pregnant I am ready to meet Wyatt.
Here is a picture of Wyatt at 36 weeks. We tried to get another 3d but he is to big. I think he looks like Todd, even his little profile reminds me of Todd.

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