Monday August 24 2009

Monday night at 5:30 we headed in to University Hospital to have our baby boy! That is still so odd to me, checking in to have a child! The place was packed because we ended up waiting until 9 to get a room and get things started. I changed into my delivery gown and got ready for several things that I knew would not be pleasant.... Cervidil, starting an IV, and drawing blood. After all of those things I got settled, took a sleeping pill and was moved into a different room.

The night was long and not fun! I finally feel asleep and then woke up to very sharp pains. The nurse asked if I was having pain and I told her "yes" and she said I was having contractions! Poor Todd had to get up and help me every time I had to go to the bathroom, which was ALOT and the pain continued until finally she took the cervidil out. I then got some nice rest until 7:45!


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