Reflecting on a week at home

Yesterday we were offically home a week! It feels like much longer to be honest with you. Last Friday we came home and got settled in. Since I wasn't prepared for a c-section we had to make some small adjustments around the house. Not being able to go up and down the stairs as much as possible was not going to be easy considering Wyatt's room and my room are both located on the second floor. Thank goodness for the pack and play in the kitchen and wonderful family! I also learned that getting in and out of bed wasn't going to be as easy as it was in the hospital seeing as my bed doesn't come up at the push of a button. Oh that reminds me, no more nursery to call to come take Wyatt away when I am done feeding him! The first night we had, well I had a little breakdown... see no one told me that after having a baby, espically for a c-section, I would want some granny panties to hold everything in and yet not touch my incision. My mom was nice enough to go out and buy me some big panties but when I put them on they didn't go high enough and were so tight it made me cry. I thought of them rolling down and touching my incision brought tears to my eyes! I slowly made my way down the hall and cried for Todd to get me the mesh panties the hosptial sent home and lived in the last couple of pairs I had until I made it to Dillards to buy some nice cotton granny ones! After the crying session I made it to bed and Todd was nice enough to keep Wyatt until he needed to eat again. The first night he got up about every hour but now we are about every three hours and he tends to go right back to sleep! This is a very good thing! We have even had a few nights were I go to bed after his 9:30 feeding and he can make it until about 1 or 2 am! I love it! He is sleeping alot throughout the day and waking up around 8pm and staying up until 11 or so. I know this will change and he will not sleep as much or he will want to stay up during the night but for now we are enjoying it.

The first week we even had a few outings... okay more than a few... I like to get out at least once a day! He has been to the mall (3xs), buybuy baby (2xs), target, atlanta bread, Fatz cafe, Village Deli, his great grandparents house and his mimi and papas at the lake. He's a very busy little man! Oh, and Aqua spa! Dilliards has become a very important important store because it has a great bathroom in which to feed him in! He has also made a trip to the doctor because they wanted to check his weight. At birth he was 8 lbs and 1 oz but when we left Friday he was 7lbs and 7oz and on Monday he was 7lbs and 6oz. We are working on the breastfeeding thing! He is slowly getting the hang of it!

I will admit that I have cried a few times looking at him or watching Todd with him, or talking about how he is going to grow up so fast, or listening to that country song "Your gonna miss this", or even thinking about having another child because I can't see how I could love another child as much as I love Wyatt. Its amazing the love that comes with having a child!


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