Wyatt's trip to Orlando and Halloween

What don’t you need to take a two month old to Orlando Florida for five days?? I managed to narrow it down to a small duffle bag, a laundry basket, a stroller/bassinet, a pump, and a diaper bag. Then I had to throw in my duffle bag, camera and my breast friend. Can’t go anywhere without that thing! On Wednesday afternoon we loaded into my fathers car and leaving Todd, we headed to Florida! In addition to Wyatt’s stuff we had Wyatt’s Mimi, papa and his uncle Spencer. We finally made it down there and on Thursday evening Todd joined us with Austin, Lindsey and Austin’s friend Nick. It was great having a hotel with connecting rooms and a little living room in the middle. I never thought about having a fridge before but it was very nice to have with all the milk that we had to keep cool and the dishwasher was also a nice addition for all the bottles that we had to keep washing. It was also great to have all the help that we did. In the morning when Wyatt would wake up Papa and Mimi would offer to take over so we could sleep in a litlte and then e everyone helped out so that we could all get ready to go on time. Spencer graduated from film school on Friday and after enjoying a lunch at the Hardrock, some enjoyed the park and some went shopping. Friday night everyone but Papa and Wyatt went into Universal Park for Fright night. As much as I LOVE scary movies I was scarred out of my mind!! It was the scariest thing I had ever been too but we had a great time. Saturday we all went to Universal to ride the rides and even Wyatt went for a while and hung out with Mimi in Papa. It was a great trip and Wyatt did fabulous on the way there and the way home. We even took some Halloween pictures also known as his two-month pictures… ENJOY!


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