The Big Break Down

Sunday, August 23. 2009 on the way to our last movie without having to find a babysitter I broke down and just cried. Poor Todd didn't know what to say other than "Did I do something to make you mad?'. I felt so bad, I couldn't help it, I was nervous, feeling like we weren't doing the right thing by being induced and just well scared. After 9 months of carrying this sweet little baby, he was about to be here. It was all going to be over in a couple of days... well pregnancy over and motherhood beginning.

After talking to Todd about my fears and being nervous I prayed about being induced. I really didn't know if we were doing the right thing. Don't babies come when they are ready? After praying about it and crying on Todd's shoulder, then crying while holding our other two babies, I went to bed hoping that the answer would come before we went to the doctor in the morning. Before leaving I got on facebook and noticed I had an email from a friend of mine. In this email she said that if I worried about being induced I should not be. I felt like my prayers had been answered. The only person who I had shared my fear with was Todd and this friend just happened to sit down that night and write to me about being induced. I knew that God had answered our prayers and we headed to the doctor for one last visit.


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