Thoughts on Nursing

Who knew that breastfeeding would be such a challenge! For some it comes easily and naturally, for others it is more of a challenge. I’m in the other category. After two and a half months Wyatt and I are still in struggle but working hard and making it work for the both of us. A day for us consists of nursing in the morning, bottle of breast milk, bottle of formula, nursing and then a bottle before bed combined with nursing. Then while he is sleeping I set my alarm and get up to pump every 4 hours. I know that breastfeeding is not just giving him breast milk in a bottle but for us this works. Every day it does get a little easier, but waking up during the night while my little one is sound asleep is getting harder and harder. What’s funny is the places that I find my self pumping so that I can maintain the supply even when away from Wyatt or when nursing isn’t an option for us. While at my brother’s graduation in Orlando, it was at the Hardrock café bathroom, and then in Universal studios fist aide room, the hotel bathroom and my car. Even with all of that and missing wearing a normal bra with good support, or not being able to wear a dress, I LOVE the special moment we share while nursing and being able to provide for my son! It’s all worth it!


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