Wyatt’s first Thanksgiving

Wyatt’s first thanksgiving was filled with a trip to Todd’s cousin’s house, a trip to his Nana’s (Todd’s mother) and a trip to the emergency clinic for Coby.

While dropping the dogs off at Four Paws Todd became aware that Coby had blood in his urine and the ladies suggested that Todd take him to the emergency clinic down the street. So after we had a great time celebrating Thanksgiving with Todd’s father’s side of the family and after paying $650 we found out that Coby has Kidney Stones! So we gathered up coby, his special dog food and medication and took him back to four paws. We were then able to finally get on the road and head to Kiawah, Island to eat some more yummy turkey with Nancy and Morgan. The trip wasn’t bad other than I had heartburn so bad I went through two rolls of Tums and a zantac and still had it!

We loved our time in Charleston, eating really good food, seeing a great movie, shopping, and lets not forget sleeping in!!! Thank you Nancy and Morgan! They put a crib in their room and took over while we were there. Wyatt stayed in there room and they took care of him until we got up and ready for the day, it was great!! While we were visiting we also took time to visit Santa with Wyatt. It was so wonderful and we got some great pictures. I love Thanksgiving, time with family and friends!


  1. We loved every minute of our time with precious Wyatt and of course the two of you. Little Wyatt is the best Thanksgiving gift ever. What great memories we made.


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