Oh the challenge!

It would be easy, oh so easy for me to open that blue lid that sits on my counter top, mix the powder with some hot water and give Wyatt a bottle. I've now moved the container off the counter top and into a cupboard! It wold be easy but I can't bring myself to do it!

Since becoming pregnant it was never a question of breast or formula... it was always going to be breast. It was always going to be up to me to provide all the nutrients to Wyatt. My mother didn't do it an neither did Todd's but I couldn't imagine it any other way! I bought the books, the pump, the boppy, I was all ready! When I found out I needed to have a c-section the one thing that I was most upset about was the fact that I couldn't nurse him within minutes of birth. I would have to wait about two hours! I was very worried about how this would affect nursing. I wasn't even thinking about the fact that I was going to cut open! In the hospital I learned that nursing is not as easy as I once thought. After an hour and a half meeting with the lactation consultant we ended up with a nipple shield so that he could latch on. He ended up going from 8 lbs 2 oz to 7 lbs and 4 oz and we ended up going to the doctor for weight checks every Tuesday at 8:50! I think the shield may have helped in the beginning because it was the only way to get him to latch on but hurt us in the long run... taking an hour or more to eat and not getting as much! He was constantly acting hungry. So we got some advice to give him a bottle of expressed milk right before bed or at night to help him sleep better because at night he didn't nurse very well. We went right through our frozen milk stash and now we are needing to supplement with formula if we want to continue plus when I go to school or when I am not with him I have to leave a bottle. Until I build my supply back up we are going to need to use formula!

okay, sorry I rambled about that but i had to get it out! This has been our biggest struggle! I have now given him some formula and he did great! We are still nursing and it is going much much better!


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