Was it a full moon last night?

Our Saturdays are normally filled with laid back family fun! I love them because of a few reasons:

1. Todd is home all day with us!
2. I don't have to rush to get ready before both kids get up! I can shower and take my time.
3. 75% of the time we all go to breakfast, if not all of us, Wyatt and daddy go
4. We run errands and get things done. So much can get done when daddy is home to help with kiddos.
5. Naps can be had by all! (we don't often do this but it is nice for days that we really need it!)

Yesterday though, there must have been a full moon or something because we were ALL off! Don't tell Todd, but I'm even admitting to being in a mood for part of the day. The morning went well but things took a turn for the worse when we bought Wyatt's new car seat and tried to install them at the store. McKinley was having an off day, teething and wouldn't eat, she didn't have a great nap, and was screaming her head off and Wyatt was getting whining and tired. We were headed to the mall but made a quick turn around and decided to head home instead. At home, Wyatt refused to eat and when we made him sit with us while we ate, well let's just say this didn't go over well. After nap time things turned around for a few hours but all of us were pretty moody on Saturday. It was still a great day though!


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