21 Days of Prayer....

Our church starts the year with 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. I didn’t join in last year, I’m not sure why but I didn’t. This year I really feel like it is something that I should take part in. One of my many resolutions was to have a closer relationship with God and this is going to help me get there. Unfortunately our schedule doesn’t allow us to go to the church at 7 am each day and pray and worship with everyone there but we can do it in our home and I plan to! As far as the fasting goes, when Marty (our pastor) mentioned it in church yesterday, he said it didn’t have to be food related. Well right in church, God spoke to me and I knew what I had to give up for 21 days….TELEVISION! I will admit to you that I love my shows. I love just having it on for the background noise, even if I am not watching it. I really think that not having it on for 21 days is going to be good for me and help me get many things accomplished.

Each day I will be listing what the prayer focus for the day is in case you want to join me! I am also making a huge effort to join the one-year bible-reading plan. Each day it is a section from the bible and in one year you will have read the entire book. I am a little behind but playing catch up today!

DAY ONE: Pray for God to use these next three weeks to bring about transformation, healing and growth in your own life.


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