One of his favorite words

"No, I don't wanna sing!" - when I have told him we will not sing before bed because he didn't listen.
"No, I don't wanna read!"- when I have said that we will not be reading a book because he threw a fit.
"No, I don't want cover!" - when I covered him up and kissed him goodnight
"No, you no say no to me!"- when we tell him no to something he wants
"No, I don't wanna play!" - when I told him that his friends are coming and he better take a good nap if he wants to play!

He spent an hour last night in and out of time out. Crying and pleading with us to talk to him and let him out, to hug him and for us to be happy. Yes, he asks us if we are happy, when clearly he knows we are upset. If he knows that we aren't happy he tries to make us happy. The smallest thing set him off last night, it was as simple as his new shoes not fitting and us saying that we had to take them back. He was mad because he wanted to wear them. He ended up going to bed with no bath, no book and no singing!

It honestly broke my heart to see him cry and listen to him cry out our names and want us to talk to him and hug him. It's funny how one week he can act wonderful and the next week he is a totally different kid. This has been a hard week.


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