Tonight we saw Dolphins....

Normally washing Wyatt hair is a hit or miss. You might have a good night with no screaming involved but then again you might get some very loud screaming. We aren't exactly sure why, this kid loves the pool and getting his face wet, but something about the soap. It's Aveeno for cryin out loud! Regardless, you just never know.

I always try to come up with something to help it be less torturous, you know look at the ceiling, let's make bubbles in the bath, etc. WEll tonight we were in our shower and I said, "Do you see that Dolphin up there?" he immediately looked up and starting about all the fish he could see, ok I can play along with this! I found Nemo and a dolphin, a small baby sea horse and a really big whale. Then I was finished! He didn't cry once, in fact he kept looking up to find all the sea creatures. I had a hard time getting him out of the shower until I told him that these fish had to go to sleep, but let's go find the ones in your room! He was out at once. He was naked, wondering around his room in circles catching fish, holding them in hands and wanting me to kiss and pet them. The kid has some imagination! This continued for sometime, he was feeding them, telling them to wake-up, to go to sleep and on and on. He had a full conversation with the ceiling. He was telling them about seeing everyone at dinner tonight and how his pants got wet, it was the cutest thing ever. I was finally able to convince him to catch a seahorse and let's read it a book so we can all go to sleep. He sat the whole time holding a seahorse in one hand and his lambie in another.

I love this age! Dinner might have been crazy tonight, but it ended with seeing dolphins and kissing a seahorse! I love it!


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