Sweet baby with first cold

McKinley has her first cold and its so very sad! The first day she was just very cuddly and wanted to be held (THE ENTIRE DAY!) I was so very thankful that Wyatt was in a good mood for most the day because putting her down without crying was not a option. Today she was a little better in the morning but kinda feel apart in the afternoon. She didn't nap very well and by 4 she would cry, constantly! Holding her didn't make her happy, rocking her didn't make her happy, nothing mad her happy. It was sad!

She never had a fever, but just coughed and had a runny nose. She was very cuddly! Sometimes this is a great thing, sometimes its a very hard thing. I am hoping that she wakes up feeling much better! I am ready to have my smiley baby back.


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