Happiest baby on the block

I am pretty sure that we have the happiest baby on the block! Wyatt was also a VERY happy baby! The comment I always got from people that interacted with Wyatt was: He is such a happy and content baby! That he was! I honestly didn't think they get much happier than Wyatt, McKinley may just be a tad happier than Wyatt was! We call her smiley because that's what she does... ALL THE TIME! She smiles, giggles, and is just happy and content all the time. That being said, yes she is still a baby and does have her days. Days where she needs a little more cuddle time because a tooth is coming through or she's just tired. Even when she is tired though, she is pretty happy or she just falls asleep. I'm not kidding!

What is funny is that I pushed so hard for her to take a paci, and she never did! Turns out she really doesn't need one. I try to push her into a schedule, she just goes with the flow. She really is a good baby. Now, I need to be honest, we have come a long way. M was always a good baby, but not great. We have had our share of rough times! I remember reliving a babysitter when she was a little over a month old, that literally handed over a screaming baby and ran out the door. Not kidding! She screamed the entire three hours we were gone. I remember a few nights where she wanted to just cry in the middle of night and not go back to sleep. Where she would constantly want to eat or be held and wasn't happy when one of those things weren't happening. When she would cry and cry when we were putting Wyatt to bed and all we could do was just try to block her cries from waking him up. I can still hear her screaming every. single. time we put her in the carseat, sure it only lasted 15 minutes or so then she fell asleep but I remember those days! The evenings of constantly fighting with her to nurse, rock, hold, swaddle, ANYTHING to make her happy! Then we discovered it was reflux, WHAT A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE! Our fussy baby turned happy and eventually grew out of it! All those things I listed, I remember them but they are a distant memory covered up by her smiles and endless giggles.

Oh how I wish I could get my video to upload for you tonight, but I can't! I was putting her to bed tonight and she was in a great mood. I almost wanted to keep her up to play with her, but resisted that urge. Instead I got my camera out, tickled her spots (thighs and on her side, her ribs) and just listened to her laugh. BEST.PART.OF.THE.DAY!


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