Christmas 2011

Christmas morning didn’t turn out quite like I had thought it would, but it was a wonderful morning! When you have two under two, it never turns out like you think it will. Christmas celebrations for us started on Friday the 23rd. When you have three sets of family to visit with, it can take more than one day to fit it all in.

Friday, the 23rd, Nancy and Ken (Todd’s mom and stepdad) came over around 5:30 and we opened presents with them and then enjoyed a yummy casserole at home. This allowed for a stress free evening not having to worry about taking the kids out and entertaining them at a restaurant. Wyatt got a InnoTab from vtech. It’s like an ipad for a kid! It really is cool! I haven’t figured all of it out yet but he has already figured out how to play one of the games and how to color pictures on it. His favorite gift was a box of sea animals and wild animals. He played with those for two hours that night! McKinley got the cutest little car walker, she LOVES it. It is so cute to see how excited she gets about something that she likes. She also got two toys that the both of them like to play with. Daddy got a new set of headphones to fly with; he can’t wait to try them out! Nancy and Ken were nice enough to take Wyatt that night; giving me some much needed time to finish up all our wrapping and last minute preparations for Christmas eve and Christmas day.

Saturday, the 24th, Todd and I were able to sleep in a little and then we got up and ready to go to Mimi and Papas. It’s amazing how much you can get done in the morning when you only have one baby to get ready. By 10 we were picking up Wyatt from Nana’s house and on our way to the lake. We ate yummy low country boil and let the kids open their gifts before naptime. Wyatt got a giant bounce thing; I love it and so does he! McKinley got the sweetest little baby doll. Aunt JenJen and Uncle Douglas also got Wyatt a gift that he hasn’t stopped playing with, a fireman hat and jacket and a captain America mask with shield. He loves them both. Once the kids were down for a nap, the grown ups got to open some presents. Unfortunately the naps were cut short because we needed to make it to church. We woke them up, threw them in the car and made it with 5 minutes to spare! Christmas Eve service was amazing! They sang some beautiful songs and it was a great message about the true meaning of Christmas and God’s gift to us. I love our church! We left the service, gathered the kids and were off to Jack and Sarah’s house (Todd’s Dad’s parents). We arrived 5 minutes late but just in time for dinner. It’s always wonderful and crazy at the same time. That many people, in one place, trying to eat, get kids fed and presents open. 7 rolled around and Todd and I were worn out and we still had a big night ahead of us! We headed home, got two babies in bed and prepared the house for Christmas morning. Presents were put out under the tree, the living room was cleaned, breakfast casseroles made, table set and we were in bed by 12!

515 I was up and ready for Wyatt to go see what Santa had brought. He decided that he wanted to sleep until 7:15, which actually worked out perfect because family didn’t arrive until 7. Everyone was there and waiting when he walked down the stairs and into the living. This year Santa didn’t wrap his presents. I am not sure that I like this. There was something great about seeing it all unwrapped but when he walked into the living room he didn’t even notice it! Last year he walked in and said, “WOW!” and ran right to his big kitchen. This year he saw all the people and ran right into daddy’s big chair, completely missing the presents! He did a couple flips in the middle of the floor, ran back and forth before finally realizing that presents awaited him under the tree! Wyatt only asked for two things for Christmas and he didn’t forget that he asked Santa for them; a big horsey and a big dinosaur. He got the one that’s no longer living and loved it. He went through each present, asking various family members to open them so he could play with them. An hour later our living room looked like a tornado had hit it. McKinley was so sweet, just taking it all in, not really caring who held her or what she was doing. She floated from person to person, occasionally playing on the floor with her three presents. We enjoyed some yummy breakfast, minus the slow cooker casserole, that was YUCK! I will never make that again. I love our house being filled with family, Mimi, Papa, Nana, Ken, John, Cindy, Aunt JenJen, Uncle SPencie and kacey all stopped by to make Wyatt and McKinley’s Christmas great. It was a rainy afternoon and we spent it hanging around Mimi and Papa’s house, taking catnaps, opening stockings, and eating good food. It was a wonderful day.


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