Day #1: Zero to half marathon

I am NOT a runner! Let me repeat this, NOT a runner. I won't say that I am not in shape because I do spin but I am not in great shape. I have decided that 2012 is the year I am going to run a half marathon. I have already had some doubts but I have cleared those from my head and know that I CAN do it!

Saturday was our first training day. My aunt is a runner and is very excited about my mom and I taking part in this. It was actually her idea!!!! I feel the need to put a couple things out there.......

1. Why did I pick a half marathon is NYC?
Why NOT? New York City is one of my favorite cities and any reason to go there is a good one! I knew this would highly motivate me! A run through central park, who wouldn't want that!

2. Why am I doing this?
I have a goal to loose 30 pounds and this is part of that goal! Runners always seem to have the best bodies and be in the best shape, so I figured why not try it. I also want to push myself to do something I would NEVER normally be inclined to do.

3. Do I have a training plan?
Yes, we are going to run Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays. Starting at 2 miles and we work up from there. My Aunt is our trainer.

Saturday we went to the canal and ran two miles, well we ran 1.5 and walked .5. We started off running 4 and walking for 1 minute. On the last half we ran 3 and walked 1. Let me just say that I thought I was going to DIE! I actually slowed down and started to stop, my aunt came up and said, "You can do it!" and I did! I made it. This is going to be hard but I can do it!


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