Training Day 6 & 7

DAY 6:
It was raining so we decided that we would do what we could. I took the opportunity to jump on our elliptical and did 2 miles. I'll be honest it felt great. It was a little easier on my knees, which are still in some pain!

DAY 7:
Today we decided to take it in doors. The weather was not great yesterday and it wasn't much better today so..... we headed to the treadmill. The first 2 miles....HARD! I got the breathing but my left knee and all around it KILLED ME. I felt like I couldn't put weight on it which makes it hard to run. At 3 miles, it got a little better. I stopped to take a stretch break, got back on and felt great. Normally we do a 3/1. Today I did a 6 minute straight run because I just didn't want to stop. My knee finally felt better and I knew that when I stopped and started back it would hurt again. Made it 4 miles, could barely walk out! We made it though!

TIME: 60 minutes

I do need to thank God tonight! My knee has been killing me and I have been praying that he would heal it. Tonight, I am no longer in pain! It's all because of God's healing power!!!


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