No sick days for a momma

There are no sick days when you a mom. I can't call in and just stay in bed all day. I did lay on the couch for half the afternoon (I felt VERY LAZY and VERY BAD) but I had to do it. I did the best I could. The house was a total wreck by the end of the day, but the kids were all feed and in good moods so thats all that matters. Their needs were met! I have said 100 times but I am SO thankful to live near family and have the parents that I do! They are so helpful and always help anyway that they can. My mom saved the day last night and today. I can't imagine not having them around.

Tuesday morning I woke up with an AWFUL stomach ache. In addition to this lovely wake up at 5:30, McKinley decided that she wanted to eat as well. I didn't know if I would make it through the bottle, but I did before getting sick. I went back to bed hoping she would fall asleep! She did! I was so very thankful that Mimi and Papa had taken Wyatt to spend the night, so I didn't have a 7 am wake up call. Thankfully McKinley let me sleep until 8, it was much needed. I felt okay, just a slight headache. I stuck to my new diet (thats for another post) and made it until her nap. I put her down, jumped in the shower hoping this would wake me up and help me feel better, it didn't! She took a 20 minute nap! GREAT! Dad called and said he would pick up Wyatt from school, I was rejoicing! They arrived, I put McKinley down, then Wyatt down, then laid on the couch and closed my eyes.....for a second! I heard cries from the monitor and oh how I hoped it was Wyatt! He was much easier to get back down, since he had only been sleeping about an 15 minutes. It wasn't, it was McKinley. It isn't like her to wake up crying, so I tried a bottle but she wasn't going back down. I was a lazy mommy, I laid on the couch and watched her play quietly. By this time my entire body was achy and I had a huge headache. Around 4 Wyatt woke up so we got him, put M back down for her nap and I convinced Wyatt to watch a movie with me on the couch. Well, I laid on the couch and he played and watched a movie on and off. McKinley slept until 5:45, I actually had to wake her up. Just as Wyatt was getting fussy and wanting to eat, Mimi walks through the door!!!! So happy to see her! She feeds him, feeds McKinley and then daddy walks through the door.... EVEN BETTER!

Mimi and daddy took care of getting kids to bed allowing me to go to bed and relax. I was really hoping to wake up feeling 100% better, I didn't! Horrible night of sleep, body aches, headache, etc. I felt a little better after motrin but was thrilled when my mom came over today to listen for McKinley so i could nap! I got two naps in!!!! TWO! I didn't take that many when she was a newborn! She saved the day!!! She is amazing! THANK YOU MOM!


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