Minus One

My house is a wreck! That might even be an understatement! Luckily my mom came to the rescue, taking McKinley to her house for a sleepover and keeping her all day tomorrow for me to get some stuff done! So tonight, we had one child! Halfway through dinner Todd and I looked at each other and wondered, "Who is this child and where did Wyatt go?" He was SO well behaved. Sweet, lovable, quiet at dinner, I was amazed.

Wyatt normally isn't bad when we go out but as a two year old it's safe to say he has his moments (sometimes many of them!). I have noticed lately that Wyatt and McKinley both push each other’s buttons. He just can't leave her alone and she likes his toys. He just loves her a little too much. I think that every now and then it is nice for Wyatt to just have a chance to have our undivided attention. I think it will be the same for McKinley too when she gets a little older. We had such a great night with our sweet little man.

I can tell that Wyatt needs time without his sitter by the way he answers this question: "Wyatt, can McKinley go to Ms. Celeste's house and play with you?" (Celeste is the lady that keeps him one day a week at her house, along with a few other children- we LOVE her). Wyatt answers back, "NO! She is to little!" Every time I ask him he answers the same way, he doesn't want her to go with him, because that is his time to play without her there! We will defiantly have to make time for special one and one time with each of our children.


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