Conversations with Wyatt

W-"I see Mimi!"
Me-"Mimi's not here baby."
W-"I see Papa? Where Papa is?"
Me-"Papa and Mimi are at the beach."
Me-"Yes, Mimi and Papa are in Florida."
W-"No! Mimi not in Florida."

Todd and I started laughing because he was certain Mimi and Papa were NOT in Florida. He was just so darn cute we really couldn't help it.

W-"It not funny! No funny! I go see Mimi and Papa." he is yelling this.
Me-"You can see them later, right now we have to go home."

Just then he saw Target across from Chick-Fil-A.

W-"I go there!"
Todd-"I bet you and mommy wanna go there, but it's closed."
W-"No! It's not closed! I go target!"

Then he sees a resturant.

W-"I eat, I go eat there. Look it's open, it not closed!"
Me-"Wyatt we have to go home baby."
W-"Ok, I eat at home, yogurt and milk!"
Me-"Ok, you can have yogurt when we get home."
W-"And milk too!"
Me-"And milk too!"

He was so funny tonight! Kids really do say funny things and as his language skills improve he gets even funnier. Things fall out of his mouth and I wonder "where in the heck did you learn that?".

One night, he was in the bath and he started yelling at me because I was washing his hair. So in a stern voice i told him to stop. He looked up at me so sweetly and said, "Mommy, you tired?" I couldn't help but laugh. I said, "No but I think you're tired!"

He will tell McKinley, "It's okay baby. Your mommy's right here. Don't cry" or "What's wrong baby? You tired?"

This kid really cracks me up!


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