Day 4- Sicily (Messina, Italy)

5:00am: Wake up to the sun starting to come u- Todd was actually more awake than I was.
5:45am: Todd and I walked around the very empty walking track.
6:00am: I ran a mile on the treadmill and Todd walked 2.4 miles. I also did a few leg workouts and arm workouts with the machines.
7:15am: we hit the hot tub and watched us sail past a volcano!
9:00am: sat down for breakfast with Nancy and Ken
10:30am: off the boat and on the way to a very cute little village type area.
Lots of fun, beautiful sights and the best pizza. It was great. We finished it off with some chocolate mouse and coconut gelato. Loving the gelato. Once back on the boat, Todd and I hit the gym again, I did 10 minutes on the bike followed by 20 on the elliptical. Todd did 30 on the elliptical! GO TODD! I am now lying in our room, truly enjoying the dim light and the stillness. I love that I can just take time out and sit here. Later…. Dinner!

***Dessert: flash fried strawberries with a special sauce that included balsamic vinegar, covered a vanilla ice cream filled crepe! It was fabulous!***

***I cried talking to my baby tonight! I really miss them! It is harder being away from them than I thought it would be.***


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